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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member. Hugs to you from me too. So sorry you have had troubles around this time. Heart

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @CherryBomb, oh yes coffees all round, good for the wine hangover @Mazarita 🙂 


Oh my @CherryBomb, it has all the bells and whistles, it has a frother on the side, and can take extra large cups, the smell of coffee is all through the house, so nice.


Enjoy @CherryBomb.


Well i m recovering by going light on the meals after such a feast at Christmas, i don't drink so i don't know how to get over hangovers.  A coffee always helps Smiley Wink

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I'm with you @Jacques - light meals for a while after the feasting that I've had over the last week. Perhaps the 'Friday Feast' can be Friday Coffee tonight?

@MoonGal, I had a similar experience just yesterday actually. I live in the Blue Mountains, and did one of many walks here along a river and cascade. There's one point where there are pockets of water, which makes an ideal wade about barefoot. It was here that there were a bunch of kids and families splashing about in the water. It seemed like a novel experience for many, and everyone was smiling and laughing. It was also infectuous. So nice to moment of happiness with strangers. It was a lovely way to spend new years eve. Smiley Very Happy

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thank you @CherryBomb@Jacques@Mazarita & @MoonGal...

No, I don't remember discussing it with her before. She said I was the first person she told when it happened though & apparently I said he was "a seedy old man". I had ECT in 2006 & I have significant, permanent memory loss of both good & bad. I was advised by my psychiatrist to have it again a few months ago & I wrote a list of good memories I had made since 2006  like the new years day sunrises & camping trips to Fraser Island. Thankfully my psychiatrist didn't make me involuntary. ECT was also suggested in 2010 & strongly suggested in 2013 (I had to fake being okay to get out of hospital & away from that psychiatrist...)

When she was discussing it & the effects it still has on her life - it brought up the pain of my own ptsd from a sexual assault 13 years ago. 

Sorry, I'm not very cheerful tonight....

My partner is cooking buckwheat & brown rice spaghetti with a tomato, caper, olive & lentil sauce. 

We had salad that I made for the last two nights.

I'll have a decaf soy piccolo @Jacques!

I'm going to the beach tomorrow - I have that to look forward to in the short term at least. I am definitely safe @CherryBomb, but, yes, I feel horrible. 

Thanks all & glad to hear other people had a lovely new years eve/day! 



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Their you go my friend, one decaf soy piccolo 🙂


It must be so tough dealing with all the abuse @Former-Member, please don't be sorry being down, we all have ourr good days and bad days, at least you are here with friends that will support you though this 🙂


Oh my the spaggetti sounds so nice, i will have a bowl please 🙂 i LLLOOOVVVEEE spaggetti, sounds like you have a really good man @Former-Member, hang onto him @Former-Member, never let him go :), it is nice too see not all men are horrible.


Namaste to you too 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi Jacques       , I would love a coffe

Hi                  one good tip is to sleep-in , then have a coffee,     

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

OMG @Shaz51, @Former-Member & @CherryBomb,


I think i am going to have to do a barrista course Smiley LOL.


Good to see i am not the only one who loves coffee, i am reducing how many i have, i am down to 10 a day now, down from 15, i am so proud of myself for drinking more water and less everything else 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Shaz51 a sleep and a coffee sounds splendid! Will certainly being doing that tomorrow. I'm feeling knackered. Has the rain moved on now, and are you cyclone free?

@Jacques I love coffee too! I got a coffee machine just last year. I use it every day. Hope you manage to keep up your water intake now that you got a coffee machine!

@Former-Member no need to apologise about being down! I'm glad that you're on here chatting with us. Smiley Happy


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi Jacques                     well done , I have to remember to drink more water for my kidney problem , gettin there back the specialist wants me to drink more


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


No Cyclone !!! -- happy happy happy

I will have to buy a coffee maker