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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


It has been a loooong week.

How is everyone else??

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thank goodness it's Friday!


@Crazy_Bug_Lady mine felt really long too. Do you get a break over Christmas?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


It's this type of night....

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Crazy_Bug_Lady & everyone...

Yay for Friday Feast time! 

Just in the last hour I have become very anxious. I can feel the anxiety in my chest & I'm worried about a variety of things. It started with me posting a comment on a news article on facebook. It was about France bringing in new laws to make sure models are checked by doctors to say they are a healthy weight, putting fines on those sites that advocate/encourage anorexia & bulimia (can't say name of them here) & putting labels on images that are photoshopped - all of which I think will help, so I put my 2 cents worth on the internet & now I'm scared someone is going to say something ignorant like you chose to be anorexic or you are fat... So far 8 people have liked my comment, so all good so far! 

Then I rang my sister & that made me even more anxious, because she didn't have time to talk to me & her baby has just been diagnosed with cataracts in one eye & needs a 5,500 operation to fix it asap (which I knew before the call - reason for call - even though I can't help finacially) & I found out what my dad said about helping her - she is over 18 - don't ask for help ever again - yep, that's my dad for you... he has given me zero support in my battle with severe mental illnesses - & knowing he said that to my sister brought up feelings of anger & sadness - if you have a child - they are your child for life - you don't stop helping them once they reach a certain age.. I could go on & on... 

I need distraction... 

Mixed it up a bit this week - tried pilates instead of yoga for one of my two sessions - like yoga much better - even though yoga is more challenging... also went to pt session with exercise physiologist, psychiatrist, new psychologist who does CBT for Psychosis & met up with a friend (scored a Xmas gift too!)

Okay, distract me people - what are you having for dinner??



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@NikNik I have Christmas day off, I have a half day on Boxing Day, and a few hours on New Years day. I have the weekends off, and still working like usual the other days.

I'll be at my parents Christmas day, but they're leaving around midday.
So I'll be here for Christmas Friday Feast.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member - what a busy week you had!


I'm sorry to hear about your sister's baby - poor thing. I'm sure your sister just appreciates you checking in and being there for her.

Good on you for voicing your opinion on the news website! Sadly, everyone on the internet has an opinion - but if you do get a negative comment just keep in mind, it's not a reflection of you... it's their own prejudice and ignorance. Some people just post whatever they think is going to get a reaction or even worse, hurt, someone. It doesn't make what they said factual. I despise trolls!

I like these types of trolls though -


Not sure if you grew up with these... but I had about 20 of them!

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

We having toast here as its too hot to cook!
I'm sorry to hear about your baby niece 😞 I hope that they can raise the funds asap - and sorry about your dads attitude 😞
I didn't even know it was Friday until o saw this post! Doh - kids started school holidays this week and I'm exhausted!
Our rabbit is not well and might have moxy 😭 but just have to wait and see had to give him to someone who lives on a farm and even though he's not been here with us since sept I'm still devastated 😞

Oh well - think I need distractions too

Hugs for Anna

Hello cbl and Nik Nik

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sorry to hear you're feeling anxious @Former-Member
Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member - nice to hear form you - i have missed you in Night Shift, but figured you must be busy with kids & "real life".... Thanks - my dad did give 2,000 (with his attitude). Her husband is trying to get his super early on compassionate grounds. My mum is going to try to get a loan, which I suspect will be difficult as she works as a house cleaner & has debts. I'm hoping one of the aunts on my dad's side will help a bit. I don't know them, but my sister speaks to a few of them (moved from New Zealand when I was baby, so didn't grow up with much contact with extended family) 

Thanks @NikNik re the comment I made on social media - 15 likes so far... & no ignorant people or haters (yet) I rarely post comments on news articles for this reason - it causes anxiety. However I felt it was important to say something, as people had got sidetracked & were commenting are they going to get plus sized models health checked too etc etc.

I don't know what is for dinner yet. I made a healthy salad last night & had another bowl for lunch. Nom, nom... 

I don't even know what I feel like eating, so can't even think what to bring to the you all virtually, haha! 

Yes, busy week @NikNik - also read a novel. 



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member It's too hot!!!

It was 38 degrees *INSIDE* my house when I got home today.

I'm sorry to hear about your bunny Woman Sad I used to have rabbits when I was a kid, I would love to get some again in the future...  My friend works at the AWL, I'd love to be able to foster the bunnies they get in.


I have some ridiculous idea that I could have enough money saved up by this time next year to have enough to use as a deposit to buy a house.
I can dream...