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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Ok, here is my suggestion for flooring. I can't wait to see whether we came up with the same ideas or not @Queenie and @Former-Member!!!! After decorating NikNik's office this awesomely, I'm wondering if I should become an interior designer. Smiley Very Happy


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Can't wait to see the stationery @CheerBear. Fluffy is always good! 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Ah... so the usual hi-jinx then, @Queenie@Phoenix_Rising Smiley LOL

I'm okay tonight, thanks, @Former-Member. Just low on energy, as is often the case lately. Thanks for asking. How are you? Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh of course @Former-Member! I think the artist painted me blushing! 😄

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I am eagerly awaiting pictures of flooring, ceilings and fluffy stationary.  @Queenie @Former-Member @CheerBear.

Hmmmm, I spent ages searching for the perfect ceiling design for NikNik. I finally decided on this one. There is twenty minutes until turtle curfew time. Does anyone know how long it took to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? Smiley Very Happy



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

ROFL at your ceiling suggestion @Former-Member, given my ceiling suggestion. Smiley LOL

@Queenie Ah yes, I was contemplating that flooring design. Perhaps we should go with your idea for the floor and my idea for the ceiling. Oh NikNik is going to have the best office ever! Smiley Very Happy

Still eagerly awaiting the stationary @CheerBearSmiley Very Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I am not sure how long Michelangelo took to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, probably years and years. I remember watching an old black and white film called The Agony and the Ecstacy which was about it being painted.

I super hope the mods approve the pics before your curfew @Phoenix_Rising. I'd like to see the finished product. 🙂 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Here is another floor mural for the floor .... 


Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Can I suggest a couple of emergency items, just incase @NikNik has a heart attack on seeing her new office decor


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

It took Michelangelo years and years? you reckon we can replicate it on NikNik's ceiling in eight mintues @QueenieSmiley Very Happy