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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hi @Appleblossom,

I am not sure if you were joking or being serious, but if not to copy is ctrl + c and to past is ctrl + v  hope this helps.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey all,
Friday Feast is upon us!!!!

I'm on my phone, so I can't put up a pic. I'm eating Potato Gems at the moment, with a little gravy. If anyone wants some, you're welcome to. 🙂

I've had a really bad day today, not too sure what happened, but I felt like I was running out of time, and then I had to do a task that I hate, and it was all to much for me and I started crying.
However, I am trying to find the little victories of the day. I did get everything done, I asked for help when I needed, and I told workmates that I was having a bad anxiety day, so they were a bit more forgiving of me as I was getting quite "twitchy", and was getting a little worked up.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Jacques@Crazy_Bug_Lady,

This is my first time joining in this Friday night event. We are having home made pizza for dinner soon here. This is an invite to virtually join us.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


I know days like that. Glad you can take time out now and recognise the victories. 

I didn't wake up today until late afternoon after difficult anxiety night of worrying obsessively about seeing new psychiatrist tomorrow. Didn't get to sleep until after dawn, as is often the case with me for one reason or another. In a much better headspace now but, in a way, my day's just started, lol.

Happy Friday night to everyone on the forums. 🙂


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Crazy_Bug_Lady & @Mazarita,


I will bring sesert tonight, a yummy apple strudel


Apple Strudel


Sorry to hear you had a bad day @Crazy_Bug_Lady, it sounds like we have all had a tough week this week.  at least we can all come together and support each other Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hi @Mazarita,

oh i had a horrible night too, i had such severe panic attacks, but it was too cold here to get up so i just lied in bed frozen, took me till 2:30am to get to sleep, i feel for you not being able to get to sleep until dawn.  nights are so bad for anxiety aren't they?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yay @Mazarita !
I'm trying to find the victory, I'm also trying to convince myself that I did well coping as I did.
I still feel stupid though. Everyone else at work would have coped fine.
But still. It's over and done I guess.
Hope you go okay tomorrow.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @Jaques
Glad to see you here.
Sorry to hear you had a bad night. Hope you're doing better now.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I was serious, @Jacques

there are lots of gaps in my brain cos it is overstuffed and bits ooze out the side. Control c makes sense but control v for paste does not.

I was into computers at work BC (before children) then during raising kids period only really set things up for kids Cos married to computer person and it went pear shaped I became seriously allergic.  It took a while before I myself could settle at a keyboard.  I ended up forcing myself by enrolling in pgrad course and sitting in uni library computer section etc. I finished diploma but not competitive as I only did computing at the library either regional or on campus. I have only had access to own laptop and the internet for 2 years which is relatively recent. I cant really talk to my son about it because I get too much ridicule and I am bloody over that as I had programmed with my baby brother and done electronics.  kids these days have a lot to learn.

I have chronic head pain as result of un intentional self harm, but the results stay. So I just muddle along.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Glad you managed to drop off from that by about 2.30am. My sleep cycle has been topsy turvy most of my adult life. I can't really explain why. It's not always about obvious anxiety. Sometimes I'm just wilful about not wanting to sleep. I've had awesome creative nights at times. Anyway, here I am awake and feeling pretty good just now. 🙂