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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Shaz51 @Coffeelover @Former-Member @Queenie @Mazarita @Former-Member @Jacques @aButterfly @Queenie @STORMGRL101 @Faith-and-Hope @BlueBay @TheVorticon @Determined @Former-Member @Former-Member @Bimby2 @Pepsimax @Former-Member

Tonight's a kind of special Friday Feast, as it's my last one! As some of you may already know, I'm leaving the SANE Forums. So I thought I'd put on a special spread. Hope you can join me. 

Smiley Happy


birthday spread.jpg

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


You will be missed @CherryBomb

Best of luck with what ever you are moving on to 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @CherryBomb HeartHeartHeart

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hugs @CherryBomb
The setting is very pretty

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @CherryBomb

I'm here but not really too great

feeling a bit sad, i am here for you though

i am sorry you are going and this is your last Friday feast 😞

BB HeartHeartHeart


Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Here with bells on to help you celebrate/commiserate tonight @CherryBomb πŸ˜Š

Have virtual glass full for a toast πŸ₯‚. Just need someone to do the toast, not my forte. 

Dinner tonight is rogan josh as it's chilly and we need something warming. 

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Can't stay @CherryBomb, but very sad you're leaving!! 😒☹️😭 I will miss you.
I'll leave some champagne here 🍾🍾🍾 for everyone to share.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Aww shux everyone @BlueBay @outlander @Determined @Former-Member

along with the spread, I have made a feast! Seeing it's a special occassion there's some bubbly and wine. Smiley Very Happy

Let's raise our glasses and have a toast as @Former-Member has suggested. **feeling sad and happy** 


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CherryBomb Just popping in for a little bit.  Bringing a strawberry champagne cake to share. *raises glass*

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

oh @CherryBomb, that is such sad news for me, i wish you all the best, you have helped me through so many tough and challenging times, thank you for all that you have done for me, i will never forget you and what you have done for me.


hugs, thank you for allowing me to help celebrate your time working for sane πŸ™‚