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Re: Tabaluga's

@PeppyPatti That’s a lot of text for you. I glossed over it but wondered if it related to the Idea of North. My son discovered GG about18 years ago. Got really into him. My nanna spoke of him back in 1970s as worthwhile non European pianist!


@Abner Yes, re auto tune, but another problem is that the orchestras are having titillation competitions by ramping up the herz 467 etc Boston competing with Berlin for the most exciting performance… and the poor singers can’t properly vocalise at those pitches. I am trying to slow the world down and bring the pitch down! I love my 415hz recorder, but nobody listens to me…lol


@Glisten @Meowmy @TAB 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Middle C is 261.625565 hertz thought 'concert pitch' was 440khz?

I remember bought a guitar after got out of Army in 80s, mum tuned it from the piano lol, it may have been an Ovation which was sort of good cheap. was semi accoustic. guitarist mate said I got a good deal.


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Re: Tabaluga's

Mostly we don’t worry too much about c hz… cos it’s too many decimal places @TAB  the scientific basis of octaves is that the A below is 220, then 110, then 55 hz. It has a lovely mathematical elegance, don’t you think?


mostly we just wanna cruise along with good vibrations… and it doesn’t need a big cc on the motor bike engine either… lol…


A standardised as 440 hz is fairly recent …. last century. We early music buffs like to be a little historically informed. I just love the mellow sound of my 415 Alto recorder. Nerdy enough to want to buy one. Haven’t joined a 415 ensemble yet… 


yeah I used to play guitar and the standard was to tune to the piano. Love me a good jazz standard… and a good low hemline…. That was after I sent me leathers to the opshop. Lol

@Glisten @Meowmy @Abner @PeppyPatti 





Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

mozart etc were supposed to be pretty up on the maths I think @Appleblossom  I would have to google where middle C was on a guitar these days


My favorite Led Zeppelin song of all-time "Boogie With Stu" [possibly my favorite Rock and Roll song of all-time] with the following description: Boogie With Stu: "Boogie with Stu" is a song by English rock band Led Zeppelin from their 1975 album Physical Graffiti. Recording And Production: It was
Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

..radiographer burst thru door when I was in waiting rm today. they said something. I had no idea what. they repeated it. it sounded more like @ TAB ha har .. told the Arab looking dude I heard 'keter' not peter but blamed my old ears ha ha he said his name was Ibrahim or "Ibby"  positions I hd to do for xrays were  bad side of uncomfortable. he was very specific about how legs and feet had to be placed.  @Appleblossom  AB

Re: Tabaluga's

@PeppyPatti  thank you PeppyPatti i think i do have brain damage due to my schizoaffective disorder and ptsd.  i will tell you something else for about 18 months i would sleep all day when my son would go to activities. i was just exhausted. i would collapse in the shower and couldnt get up for ages.  you are a good friend PeppyPatti xxx

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB @Appleblossom @PeppyPatti @Abner @Meowmy @StuF @Bill16 @Gibbs and everyone who passes by a big good morning to everyone.  it is so quiet where i am it is 3.36.  loving it.  wishing you all a wonderful day ahead.  love you all. peaxxx

Re: Tabaluga's

@greenpea @TAB @Appleblossom @StuF @Bill16 good morning cool friends, take care

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, hope you're okay. At work here. 

Re: Tabaluga's

Good Morning @Meowmy @TAB @Bill16 @greenpea @Appleblossom @PeppyPatti  and all


Happy Thursday