10-06-2023 05:21 PM
10-06-2023 05:21 PM
I stopped alcohol a long time ago but have no issues with others.
I was a mechanic. So my garage and shed are full of car stuff.
Mechanical knowledge is used to maintain print machines. Cars are too electronic now.
10-06-2023 05:22 PM
10-06-2023 05:22 PM
@Former-Member hey Mk ,thanks for care. Forum support is very important. Hope you get a nice long weekend. Hope to chat later.
10-06-2023 05:25 PM
10-06-2023 05:25 PM
Hi @Meowmy
Thanks for that.
And i look forward to a chat in the forum.
I hope the Party is nice.
Have a great weeken too.
Kings Birthday. I say that sounds strange still.
10-06-2023 05:29 PM
10-06-2023 05:29 PM
10-06-2023 05:30 PM
10-06-2023 05:30 PM
10-06-2023 05:37 PM
10-06-2023 05:37 PM
Car mechanic.
But print machjnes are mechanical
You like repairing bikes
Pedal Mountain or Motor?
10-06-2023 05:41 PM
10-06-2023 05:41 PM
10-06-2023 05:44 PM
10-06-2023 05:44 PM
Practice repairing bikes and everyone will love you.
Fiddly gear adjustments.
You certainly give things a go
Good on you
10-06-2023 05:47 PM
10-06-2023 05:47 PM
I better get dinner ready.
Thanks for being my first coffee chat person.
Glad @tyme connected us
Enjoy your movie and dinner
10-06-2023 05:49 PM
10-06-2023 05:49 PM
@Former-Member hey Mk, just getting a special roast duck for friend's party. What are your interest hobbies ?
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