07-03-2025 04:35 AM
07-03-2025 04:35 AM
07-03-2025 04:46 AM
07-03-2025 04:46 AM
Gotta loves routine re Friday pub grub day @plasmo just woke here, am up.
Planning a big shopping trip . it lots items from not very many places re where I'm, going lol
Going to attempt to eat healthy next bit. so dont have much fruit or veg lol then have to get a vac cos want to put new mats in car mainly. and some protein, thinking non-supermket bbq chook, only last time went to chook place was in plastic bag like supermkt so was only 20% better instead of 50-100% in paper anf foil bag . think trick might be to go there around opening, =1st time the put chook in bag, last time was already sitting in plastic, will go to other place if same today, failing that will say what times next fresh cooked on, put in paper, I'll.. be ...ba ack..
07-03-2025 11:18 PM
07-03-2025 11:18 PM
07-03-2025 11:38 PM
07-03-2025 11:38 PM
08-03-2025 12:08 AM
08-03-2025 12:08 AM
Been there re unnecessary obsessions. @plasmo maybe was some special sauce in pub grub..
Still warm here ugh .
08-03-2025 02:28 AM
08-03-2025 02:28 AM
08-03-2025 03:47 AM
08-03-2025 03:47 AM
been napping here @plasmo was praying it was tomorrow when woke. it wwasnt
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