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Re: Jude’s Jungle

Good afternoon @Former-Member @TAB @tyme @maddison @Oaktree @Shaz51 @Former-Member @hanami @FloatingFeather @Former-Member @Daisydreamer @Appleblossom @Faith-and-Hope @Eve7 @Snowie @MDT @Former-Member @OscarJones and everyone joining here today. Thanks for popping by! 

I think I may have found 1 more thing or reason to help keep my mental health safe and happy which is in the form of working on a granny square crochet blanket for myself using a 4.25mm crochet hook. I came home from food shopping around 3pm and then picked up a crochet blanket that I’d been working on for charity whilst in hospital. Whilst that was a great thing to do and I felt good working on it, I found that I wasn’t 100% happy and therefore, it impacted on how I was feeling towards the blanket - a bit negative to be honest like it was all for the charity and nothing for me. That’s when I realised that I had started a crochet blanket for myself back at my last PARCS admission in June and decided to pick that up and work

on it instead. Instantly I noticed a big change in my mood and mental state as I went from feeling negative and awful for the charity blanket to feeling happy, worthy and in a great mood mentally for the blanket I had chosen to work on just for me. This showed to me that sometimes, you have to put yourself first and do something special for yourself and not feel bad about doing so. I’d spent plenty of time over the past week working on knitted blankets for charity that I’d forgotten about myself and doing something just for me which was in turn, making me feel negative towards the charity I was knitting and crocheting for and that wasn’t a nice set of feelings that I enjoyed. I love creating blankets for the charity as I get to be creative and I know that each blanket I create is unique and different and therefore special for the recipient which is great and all but this afternoon, I found that I was missing a valuable part of the mental health wellness and recovery jigsaw puzzle and that piece happened to be taking care of who is important and that person happened to be me and my needs. In doing things for others, I’d forgotten about me and that wasn’t fair or acceptable in my eyes as it was in turn, making me miserable. See below for the photo of my crochet blanket. 


I am pleased to say that I’m in a much better headspace mentally now and feel a lot happier within myself. I’m glad I found the blanket to work on and am really enjoying working on it. I’ve got some extra wool for the blanket that I found in my collection to add to the blanket so I’ve got a lot more wool to make the blanket a reasonable size just for me. I know I had a rough time at PARCS recently but I’m also glad that something good has come from the experience in the form of this blanket and has been able to help me out this afternoon. 

I’ve been listening to some Lee Kernaghan country music whilst working on this blanket and there is a song that stands out which is called ‘Like Angels’. It’s basically about going through rough and tough times knowing that in the end, the times will pass and you will fly like angels as you work your way through it as the bad times don’t last. It’s sort of like the Angel vs Devil thing with the devil being the bad times and trying to drag you down and keep you down whilst the angel is there in the background cheering you on and telling you that deep down, you are tough and strong and you can win and defeat the devil - it’s just a matter of hanging in there and sticking it out knowing that you will win in the end. I have personally fallen in love with the song and have added it to my positive music playlist on my Apple Music playlist on my iPhone as a reminder to play it when I feel like things are getting hard to handle and I feel like giving up. I know that deep down, I am strong and tough because I keep on waking up each day and somehow get through it, even if there are times that the day seems never ending but yet, I somehow live through the day to make it to the end and that’s a massive achievement in itself.


Over the past few weeks, I’ve been admitted to hospital and put up with life as a psych patient with knitting restrictions put on her yet I’ve come through that experience feeling a lot better within myself even if it was boring at times and that shows me that in my jungle, I let the angel win over the devil that was my sick mental state and I got through it. I’m still here and things have improved for me mentally. The sleep is still an issue but I’m dealing with it to the point of possibly accepting that I may continue to have sleep issues for sometime yet until something gets sorted out. That’s a small price to pay for being happy once again after the year I’ve had so far with my mental health.


It’s time for me to go and order in some dinner. I’m thinking of chicken and mushroom risotto from the local pasta restaurant as it always makes me feel good once I’ve eaten it. I’ve got plans with my housemate to make chicken risotto this coming weekend as it’s meant to be cold and windy down here in Melbourne. Definitely a weekend to curl up with some craft like my knitting or crochet and keep warm in bed! I’m also thinking of making tacos for dinner tomorrow night as well so plenty of good things planned in my life and that should keep my jungle happy, settled and satisfied. That’s the plans at least! Thanks once again for reading this entry. 

Take care!





Re: Jude’s Jungle

I love your amazing knitting @Judi9877 !


The blanket reminds me of my baby blanket. 


It is so good to hear how much purpose, and enjoyment you are receiving out of your hobby.


It shows us and reminds us of the purpose of engaging in meaningful activities.



Re: Jude’s Jungle


This is so powerful:  "in my jungle, I let the angel win over the devil that was my sick mental state and I got through it."


Sounds like your style of knitting through all your challenges has been helpful and helped you and the people who end up with your precious creations.


Ciao Bella


Re: Jude’s Jungle

Get a chicken parma @Judi9877 lol I got frozen ones from supermarket once. Then started getting them from pub that turned to delivery cos of covid No comparison. One cheap and chucky plus have to cook yrself, other one bigger, better in every possible way plus delivered hot

Re: Jude’s Jungle

Hi @Judi9877,

I really enjoyed ready this post particularly @Judi9877. I love how you have found the connection between doing something just for you and a lift in your spirit. What a light bulb moment! 

What you say makes so much sense I think it is a great piece of advice for a lot of people. Making yourself a priority is so important. I've always thought if I don't look out for myself who's going to? It doesn't take away from all the amazing charity work you do and time you give to others so graciously but, at least for the moment, you realise you make yourself number one for a change. What a great point you have made! 

Your blanket is looking gorgeous and I think it is a great visual reminder of the importance of self care and doing something nice for ourselves. 

Hope you enjoyed the chicken and mushroom risotto you had from the local pasta restaurant. I love risotto too. Hope the one you make on the weekend is just as tasty.

Warm wishes,


Re: Jude’s Jungle

Thanks for including me in your updates @Judi9877 

I love hearing about your day and what you have been up too.


Take care my friend 💜

Re: Jude’s Jungle

Yes @Judi9877 , I agree with @Snowie thankyou for including me. It's a privilege to follow along through the highs & lows & all the inbetweens that is Jude's Jungle. 

Re: Jude’s Jungle

Awesome work @Judi9877 . I love your knitting. I can't believe the entire blanket took you 1 week. That is very fast. I feel exactly the same about my crochet. It is a coping mechanism. I find it allows me to 'freeflow' with my thoughts, whilst also having something else to focus on. I don't really notice my thoughts when I'm crocheting, & that means I don't have any reaction or judgement about them. It can be really calming & positive mental health activity. I also find that it's a timing thing.... Similar to what you were describing in your second post.... It must be the right thing, at the right time! Otherwise something feels slightly off & it's not as enjoyable. Excellent job of listening to yourself. 



Re: Jude’s Jungle

Good afternoon @maddison @Snowie @FloatingFeather @TAB @Appleblossom @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Former-Member @hanami @MDT @Former-Member @Daisydreamer @Oaktree @BPDSurvivor @Eve7 @Faith-and-Hope @Jynx @Jacques @Meowmy and all forumites joining me in the jungle today. Thanks and welcome! 

Today is party day in the jungle for me as it’s my birthday so I’ve been enjoying the day doing my knitting and crochet and spending time with my housemate/

best friend. I’ve been checking out my social media pages as well which has been good. My day has been pretty good all things considered with me purchasing a new pair of pyjamas and some crochet hooks which I really needed so I’ve been pretty happy overall. I woke up to 3 degrees at 7:30am and have managed to keep myself occupied and busy for the whole day which has been good especially since I didn’t take my sleeping tablet last night as I’m trying to handle the problem on my own. 


To think, a month ago I was admitted to the local psych ward for a period of 2 weeks  because I wasn’t coping with life and needed a meds change which I did get. Life on a psych ward was boring at times for me and quite isolating as I could only do my knitting and my crochet in my bedroom alone and was reliant on the nursing staff to keep my phone charged as well. Having dinner at 5pm was hard as it was quite early for me to eat as I usually eat dinner after 6pm and I got sick of the same old meals in the end. I’ve realised now how lucky i am not to need hospital treatment or the treatment of PARCS as I can see it being very restrictive at times even though it was for my own good. I’m now in a better headspace mentally and feel proud of myself for not needing the services of my psychologist over the past month either as I’ve been able to handle life and it’s relevant dramas on my own with limited help. I think I’m getting stronger mentally in that although I have times of panic and anxiety and uncertainty, I’m able to get through them and accept that these episodes will soon pass and I’ll survive them someway somehow. I may not enjoy the experience at times but I can get through them and that’s a massive achievement especially when I often think too much or doubt myself and my capabilities to do this which is often. I also put things off which is something I need to work on and accept that this is an issue for me and need to deal with. Fear of failure is a big thing right now as I’ve been to putting off sitting a test for a course that I’ve got to do. If I don’t sit the test, I’ll never stand a chance of possibly being accepted into the chosen course so I’m my own worst enemy at this point in the game. Again, I just have to do this and go from there. I know when I was in hospital I couldn’t put things off forever like HD ding over my knitting at 10pm or taking tablets so this is a similar thing except that my possible future career is at stake. Again, big choices have consequences and that’s something I have to deal with and face up to.


Okay. Time for me to go and order in some Thai food for dinner and then follow it with cake for dessert. Enjoy your night and thanks for reading this entry.





Re: Jude’s Jungle

Happy happy birthday my darling @Judi9877 😀🥰❤🎂🍰🎈🎉🎊🎊🎉🎈