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Re: Join us on our virtual walk around Australia!

Ahaha @Glisten you must be in very fine standing at the Institute of Silly Walks!! 


Hey @ENKELI! Teehee isn't it funny when townies end up in the wilds and get scared of the most harmless things!! Though, if a frog bapped me on the bum when I was on the loo I'd probably jump outta my skin! 😅

Re: Join us on our virtual walk around Australia!

Re: Join us on our virtual walk around Australia!

@Glisten hey G, beautiful scenery.  Have a good day

Re: Join us on our virtual walk around Australia!

Beautiful ❤️ @Glisten 

Re: Join us on our virtual walk around Australia!

Hello everyone,


Our first day since the severe storms. High tide today. The beach has changed. I couldn’t get enough of the sunshine and walked for ages.

