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Re: The Art of Reframing - Back by popular demand!

Aww hugs my @tyme 

Soo glad you started feeling better as the day went on and I am soo glad to see you today 😊 


4am thought 

"My family don't care about  me "


Reframe --- " my family are still sleeping "

Re: The Art of Reframing - Back by popular demand!

@tyme  I spent 15 years in politics.

If people think you’re an idiot, then you have the advantage.


Who gives a sh!t what they think.




Re: The Art of Reframing - Back by popular demand!

I've gone so far back. How did I let it get so bad so quick 


reframe: it's all part of recovery. I have been trying so hard, sometimes you need help and for others to help carry the burden. You are doing your best. You will get back on track soon. Use the admission as a rest. You can do this. 

Re: The Art of Reframing - Back by popular demand!

Thanks for sharing @The-red-centaur . That's such an important reframe.

Re: The Art of Reframing - Back by popular demand!

It was my fault.

Reframe: No one, NO ONE, asks to be assaulted. It's not your fault never could have been your fault. Forgive yourself red. You survived.

Re: The Art of Reframing - Back by popular demand!

Why are they so hot and cold? 

So False yet so judgemental?

I cannot bear being disrespected.

Why can't they just respect me?



Hot and cold because they are struggling with their own inner selves.

False and judgemental because they fear


They need to respect themselves first to understand what respect is.


There is a saying that I cannot remember.

Part of it is :

I cannot force someone to respect me. 

I can walk away from those who choose not to respect me.


Sounds like common sense.

Hard to do with family who play games and are manipulative.


Sorry is this meant to be brief?

Re: The Art of Reframing - Back by popular demand!

Please ignore my previous reply