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Re: Sometimes I feel I will never get better

Hi @Former-Member. Sorry to hear your not feeling the best today. Down days can be hard. Sometimes just having a chat can take your mind off things for a while. Whether a friend over the phone or us here.
My head cold is better. Very little tissue use now. But it's definitely moved to my chest. Have to hold my left ribs tight every time I cough. Feels like I'm being kicked in the ribs.
Am disappointed that I can't go to my best friends daughters birthday party today. Was so looking forward to it. But I've sent my son and m u sister in my place. I hope they take heaps of photos and videos.

Re: Sometimes I feel I will never get better

That's good you're on the mend, but, bummer you don't feel well enough to go to the party. Sometimes rest is the answer. @utopia. 🌻🌼🌷

I wa s looking forward to this weekend. First time in ages I had plans. 😢
Friend's party later. Haven't seen her in ages and ballet tomorrow. And I feel so knocked out. 😮
Have been for days. Firced myself out fir bike ride and got attacked by a magpiem 😯 I have to laugh, it's funny when you think about it, but I had such a massive panic attack over it, I'm exhausted.
I had to ring hubby to pick me up yesterday, I was so upset, ad I was feeling flat anyway and that just knocked me over. The magpie kept squarking and pecking hard at my ear. Had trouble cyckling away from it.

Anyway I'll laugh when I have more energy. I'm going to try and nap now and hopefully make it to the party.

Thanks for thinking of me. I find it hard fitting in on here sometimes. Feel like I have to make a huge effort, otherwise no one seems to notice me, lol. 😂 💜 Sometimes I just don't have the energy to try.

I hope you feel better soon. 😊💗🌷🌸🌹🌺🌻

Re: Sometimes I feel I will never get better

Whoops! Few typing errors. 😂 @utopia 😊

Re: Sometimes I feel I will never get better

Hi @Former-Member

I have had EMDR done on me a few years ago reg. my childhood abuse but with regards to one only abuser.  There were 3.

It took me about 4 sessions before the psychologist did the EMDR therapy.  It was strange but now I see the abuse as a kind of far away image.  But lately it's been haunting me again with nightmares and dreams.

I'm not sure if EMDR works only once or you go back again when the images come back.  I'm not sure what to do.

But it does work.  Although i have heard from other patients while in hospital that for them it didn't work.  

I would say give it a go, good that you have a reputable psychologist that will do it.  Not many around that can actually do EMDR.  It took me a while to find one.

Rest - yes i am doing that right now.  i have a slight headache again, my BP is very high again so i thought i would just lay down for a while.

I would be interested to hear what your thoughts are on EMDR.

Take care @Former-Member xxxooo

Re: Sometimes I feel I will never get better

@Former-Member. Typing errors! I use my mobile to access this site and the letters are tiny and my thumb is huge.
Thankfully I've never been swooped by a Magpie. But I've seen others swooped. Repeat attacks. It would have terrified me.
Panic attacks are awful enough - but the aftereeffects of total exhaustion - that's hard.
Maybe after your nap, you may feel like catching up with your friend. If not - then another day.
You won't be forgotten on here. Even if sometimes it may feel like it. Some people post a lot. Others occasionally. Some are confident and others shy. We are all different. But your posts are iimportant. You have a lot to offer this site. You can write to me anytime. I'll always answer.
Good luck tonight. I hope you make it. Let us know how it goes

Re: Sometimes I feel I will never get better

Thanks for your encouragement @utopia 😊

I couldn't get to sleep this afternoon, but went to the party. I don't like letting people down. Plus my daughter wanted to go and I hate letting her down too. Party was ok. Nice to see friend, been 2 years since I last saw her. Oh my gosh! Time flies. Home early, in bed already.
I hope you sleep well and wake feeling better. 😴💜

@BlueBay I read in other post that you feel like you want to run away. I feel that alot; but not as often as I used to. Felt trapped in my marriage.

Yes, I think you can have more EMDR. Probably you will need more for each trauma you've had. If it helped last time, I'm sure it will again. Worth a try. Are you able to get health care plan? So you can be bulk billed.

I'm the same with nightmares. I can go for ages and not have any and not think about the past at all, then I'll have another bad dream again. Must still be in our subconscious.

Chat more soon. Will try to sleep now.

Nighty night Utopia and sadgirl. 😴💗

Re: Sometimes I feel I will never get better

My daughter did say that if I didn't feel up to going to the party, that's ok. She's a sweety. 😊 @utopia 😴

Gargling with Iodised salt in a little bit of water helps get rid of germs. Might help you???? Sometimes I swallow a little of the salty water as well. 😊

Re: Sometimes I feel I will never get better

@Former-Member. Good on you for going to the party and catching up.
Have a restful sleep.
@BlueBay I agree with @Former-Member. You probably needed to have each incident of abuse treated with the EMDR. I only had the one workplace incident to focus on. But we did also do a session for my panic attacks.
It is strange how the incident now becomes a memory but without the trauma or emotions.
But I guess like all treatments - they will work for one but maybe not another.

Re: Sometimes I feel I will never get better

@Former-Member. Thank you. I've been using salted water to gargle with - but not doing much unfortunately.
The doctors are available tomorrow for 2 hours (small town) so I think I'll go and see them.
Normally when my son or I are a bit sick, I add extra garlic tobour meals. But I haven't cooked since the bug arrived.
I might crush a clove up and add it to my salt gargle tonight.
I'm off to take my meds and go to bed. Sweet dreams. Will talk soon

Re: Sometimes I feel I will never get better

How was your day @utopia? Did you go to the doctor? Sending hugs and flowers. 😊

How was your day @BlueBay? Hugs and flowers to you too. 😊🌷🌸🌹🌺🌻🌼

I went to see the Russian ballet with my daughter (took anti anxiety med). Need them in emergencies, not too good in crowds.

It was a lovely performance. Feeling stiff and sore from being so tense.

Psychologist tomorrow.

I hope you both are ok. 😊