17-05-2015 07:04 PM
17-05-2015 07:04 PM
I love learning random facts!
Is that your spiny leaf insect?
17-05-2015 07:20 PM
17-05-2015 07:20 PM
Yup. I currently have 5 species of stick insect, 3 taranulas (different species), and three different species of scorpion. So in total I have around 10 enclosures, plus another 10 small containers of baby scorps, and 4 takeaway containers of stick insect eggs.
Not bad for someone who lives in a "strictly pet free rental" My landlady knows and doesn't seem to mind thankfully.
I never really intended on having so many, but it sort of goes with the hobby... just one more... just one more. 😛
17-05-2015 08:19 PM
17-05-2015 08:19 PM
Hi everyone
My weekend my monthly treat went to witches of oz it was really good but to long for me the last hour spent smiling in pain didn't want my wife Karen to see my discomfort so just smiled. Really bad night but nearly finished tiling kitchen today what used to take me 2 to 3 hours has taken 3 weekends but nearly all done. As I now work less Monday is my rest day do nothing and really looking forward to it. Wish I could stop working but like most people need to pay for life. I may not always post but will be lurking some of mytthoughts to dark to post but you are the people who have been keeping me going if you can push through the hell we all go through than I can l really love this forum.
Stay safe tomorrow is a new day a if we're not there we don't know what it holds.
17-05-2015 09:28 PM
17-05-2015 09:28 PM
@Crazy_Bug_Lady your place sounds like a little insect zoo! I dunno know if you got housemates, but if you do, I hope they're not a weeny like me when it comes to bugs. I'm particularly afraid of spiders... just thinking about them makes me shiver.
But, I got to say, talking to you about your bugs is giving me a new perspective on 6-8 legged friends.
18-05-2015 12:37 AM
18-05-2015 12:37 AM
Hi crazy bug lady
I kwow that you will know this fact but many won't and probably won't believe but a insect that is cleaner than humans is the cockcroach. In the jurassic there was one nearly 7ft long? Glad not around today.
Love insects
24-05-2015 06:02 PM
24-05-2015 06:02 PM
This weekend was quite a sporty one for me!
I coach a netball team, so that took up my Saturday. I have also been watching a lot of NRL over the weekend (close game between the Raiders and Bulldogs at the moment!).
Really looking forward to State of Origin Wednesday night 🙂
What did everyone else get up to!?
24-05-2015 08:36 PM
24-05-2015 08:36 PM
Too much pain to go out so made hi tea and had good friends over even had a beer.
Was good
24-05-2015 09:28 PM
24-05-2015 09:28 PM
24-05-2015 11:43 PM
24-05-2015 11:43 PM
Hey @SCORPION & @Crazy_Bug_Lady
Insects are fascinating, but cockroaches are about the only thing I'm scared of. No problem with mice, snakes or spiders, even lab rats. Hate cockroaches, even little ones. Fascinating to disect though.
The most interesting invertebrate fact I know is about garden snails: they're hermaphrodites (both sexes in one), they have their reproductive organs in their head, and if they can't find another snail to mate with they can actually fertilise their own eggs to reproduce. Pretty amazing.
Sounds like you both did well in adverse circumstances this weekend. Well done you!
Cheers, Kristin
31-05-2015 08:39 PM
31-05-2015 08:39 PM
Happy New Week
My weekend was pretty low queue. Just pottering about my home, doing house work, study, work. My weekend is actually tomorrow. I'm quite excited to have a day off. But most of all I'm so excited to be seeing one of my favourte musicians, Ben Howard!
What did everyone get up to this weekend?
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