07-06-2015 11:33 PM
07-06-2015 11:33 PM
08-06-2015 07:25 PM
08-06-2015 07:25 PM
Hi there @NikNik
I love NRL as well, although being a knights supporter at the moment I'm not loving it as much as i could be. (who do you support?)
I was very lucky to take my 2 kids to the first state of origin, although the wrong team did win ... grr
I know the thread is SUNDAY FUNDAY however being a long weekend MONDAY FUNDAY is coo I guessl, although I dont have much to offer.
Other than the knights game on saturday with my young bloke, cutting the grass and a bit of gardening, it was a very quiet weekend. I did get to watch some tv and movies with my kids.
I watched the saints v dragons this afternoon, that was a good game, although it did blow out late.
Cheers and the very best to all
Matt 🙂
08-06-2015 08:39 PM
08-06-2015 08:39 PM
09-06-2015 09:02 AM
09-06-2015 09:02 AM
Hey @Crazy_Bug_Lady - Your self awareness and strength to manage your urges is such a triumph. I hope you give yourself the recognition you deserve. I hope yesterday's farm visit was good. I have no idea what the weather is like there, but it was amazing in Sydney. Not too hot, not too cold.
How many cattle do you actually have?
@WombatBoots I watched the Saints Vs Bulldogs yesterday too. It was a great game. I'm a bit concerned about some of the simple mistakes made by some of the players who have been chosen to play origin *hides* Hopefully it's just them getting it out of their system.
I actually go for Manly... I hope we can still be friends (I will give you one chance to mention the 1997 Grandfinal )
09-06-2015 11:45 AM
09-06-2015 11:45 AM
Hey there @NikNik
lol, I just noticed in my post I said saints v dragons ... at least you got what i meant
So you're a manly supporter ... so sorry about that. We can still be friends, we all have our shortcomings 😉
While we are talking NRL I would just like to mention and congratulate them on the recently launched 'What's your state of mind?" program. I'm sure this will do so much in breaking down some of the stigma's attached to mental illness as well as reaching out to many in need.
If anyone would like to take a look
there's a lot of information here and links to some very useful resources
well done NRL
be very kind to yourselves everyone
PS: @NikNik, if I only get one mention of the greatest GF ever, I'd better save it 😉
09-06-2015 03:12 PM
09-06-2015 03:12 PM
Hi @WombatBoots
Is the grandfinal you're referring the 40-0 Manly vs Melbourne... I believe that is officially the highest scoring grandfinal of ALL TIME 🙂 thus - the greatest GF ever!
I really like the NRL State of Mind campaign and site. The ads are pretty funny - I think they are a good conversation starter for those who suspect they are having some mental health difficulties.
09-06-2015 08:17 PM
09-06-2015 08:17 PM
14-06-2015 07:07 PM
14-06-2015 07:07 PM
Hey heeeeey,
What did everyone get up to this weekend?
I had plans for dinner with friends, but you know what? I ended up doing nothing! I was feeling so worn out I needed a night in to rest so I rescheduled my plans, and stayed at home, watched movies and ate ice cream. Sometimes, you just need to do these things. It was great!
14-06-2015 07:17 PM
14-06-2015 07:17 PM
14-06-2015 07:27 PM
14-06-2015 07:27 PM
well not so much a sunday funday, or even a funday weekend, i was asked a couple of weeks ago by my old boss to help out at a display, and that was tuesday thru to today, i am pretty worn out from it all, but it made me appreciate that i haven't lost my skills in the industry, my old boss keeps dropping hinting sort of messages to me regarding work, i have a feeling he is going to offer me my old job back, except not in management just in sales, which is preferable, less stress, i am catching up with him tomorrow, to sort out getting paid for the work i did.
as for tonight going to bed earlyish
hope everyone else had a good weekend
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