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Re: Moving forward

I like your Avatar too @Former-Member


And that's three for the Tuesday Pity-Party - I am still in my dressing gown - t-shirt and underwear - and it's nearly lunchtime


I can bring chips, yogurt and blueberries for snacks - if anyone wants to pretend what they eat is healthy - I have vegetable juice


How terrible it must be to be the only miserable person on the planet - with everyone wearing the face that they keep in a jar by the door





Re: Moving forward

Love the avatar too @Former-Member ....❤💕

@Decadian - ❤💕
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Re: Moving forward

Thanks @Faith-and-Hope@Decadian 😊

I can bring chocolate and crumpets @Decadian, sorry fridge is bare.

how are you feeling today @Faith-and-Hope? Hopefully better than yesterday.


I've picked up a little since having shed a couple of tears, having a rest and reading @Decadians post about the pity party. It just made me smile. Just went out in the sunshine and potted up a few plants. Think I'm on one of @Faith-and-Hope running raid days. I hope that sleep helps @utopia and that everyone's day improves from here. 


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Re: Moving forward

I should actually add I think I double dosed my medication before which isn't an issue but may have helped my mood along a bit. 😳:face_with_rolling_eyes:

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Re: Moving forward

😂 lol be buggered if I know what some of the emoticons mean..they seem a bit expressionless to me! Hmm self pity not a good one to be starting on..can you redirect yourself somehow @Former-Member...I.e.tell yourself that the thought isn't productive for me today?
Lowered mood is always tricky..I know.

Thank u, I had a good session.
My psychologist wants me to track mood for a month.
I'm wondering which phone apps may be better ones for this?
I.e. that notes mood, agitation, & sleep specifically.
Shall have a hunt...well I got to get few chores done whilst out.
I'll be back on later.
Hmm a thought, do any characters from t.v, books inspire you?
Maybe they might have something to say in your redirection?
I think big pictures sometimes to escape.

Re: Moving forward

😊 Yep .... got a running-raids day happening here ..... 'cept I've actually got myself dressed today ....

Put-the-house-back-together Day has turned into Put-the-house-back-together Week .... and y'know what ? I'm okay with that ..

Re: Moving forward

Hi @Former-Member


It sounds as if the Pity-Party is working already


I have managed a shower - the steam has helped a lot as well as the hot water making me feel more socially acceptable


We all need to shed some tears in our private garden from time to time - and take a rest -


I have just about done enough for today - a rest sounds good to me



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Re: Moving forward

@Former-Member there's a really good simple app called optimism. You can tailor it a bit to suit you. I found it helpful for a while.
Yesterday I acknowledged to my counsellor that my world has become so very small. Not even TV, books or Facebook anymore. The only news I even get is the top news item of the day that flash up on my phone. Weather is my phone too. I guess today I thought I should be able to do it all again and got mad at myself when I couldn't and over reacted....straight to SI for a bit but that's gone. Now I'm back just resting between each task I can cope better but it sux a lot. Anyway phams worker coming this afternoon.
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Re: Moving forward

Good for you @Decadian 👍🤗💜. Love that we can help each other a bit some days.
👋Hi @Former-Member too. I hope your day is :ok_hand: Ok

Re: Moving forward

Yeah @Former-Member


I understand - they have little signs that tell us what the emoticons mean


I might make some up for myselfSmiley Wink

