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Re: Just checking in.

Hi @Faith-and-Hope 

Smiley Happy

How are you?


Re: Just checking in.

👋 all


Just checking in @Teej. I am thinking of you hoping things are going OK/OK-ish/OK enough. I understand you're busy and might not be up to calling by so I'll leave you with these 🤗🌈 and this


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Re: Just checking in.

Hi @Appleblossom 👋 💕


Sorry I missed your post last night.  I am doing okay.  One o my baby dragons is a bit wobbly at the moment, but they will probably go part-time shortly, and that should help.


Hi @Teej @CheerBear @Zoe7 @Sans911and anyone else around .....

Re: Just checking in.

Its definitely worth slowing down in order to BOTH make the journey more enjoyable AND actually getting there .. ie finish degree.

My son seems to understand that even better than ME!  

Smiley EmbarassedSmiley Surprised

Take Plenty Care of U2 Bella

Smiley Happy


Re: Just checking in.

💜🌷 @Teej 

Re: Just checking in.

Thinking of you @Teej and hoping you are managing okay ......




I believe in you 💜



Re: Just checking in.

Thanks for the “Supports” @Teej  .....


Hugs 💜

Re: Just checking in.

Hi @Faith-and-Hope , @CheerBear@Zoe7  and anyone following along. I’m ok. Have been busy with my brother. It’s all fairly full on. I’m learning lots of things about my finances in my previous relationship. My brother has seen two lawyers and now we have to decide what action to take. It’s all pretty overwhelming. I have family birthday tea tonight for one of mine and am struggling to work out how to do this at the moment but hoping it will come. Just a quick check in for now.

Re: Just checking in.

I was thinking of you @Teej as my phone went 'knock knock' with this tag. Love it when that happens.

Hugs for the overwhelming. Lots of feelings with it all I imagine. It's a big stress thing and I hope you're able to go gently with yourself through it.

Good to hear from you. Hope tea goes well.

Big ❤

Re: Just checking in.

Wow @Teej  .... tricky but doable, it sounds.  


Hang in there and just keep taking the baby steps through it, and give a secret hug to your brother from me.  He is so great.  When the dust settles you will be in a better place, and you need someone there to hold your hand and walk you through it all, as I would ..... gently, gently, go you .....

