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Re: Just checking in.

Thanks @outlander, Maggie (who I'm not tagging because we've already chatted 😉😘) and @TheVorticon. Lotsly appreciated.

I drove myself batty enough to call triage myself and found no answer there at all. Have messaged psych, despite seriously questioning 'why bother' and will wait, not holding my breath at all :face_with_rolling_eyes:😐 Big time ball dropped there. Either that or I was completely imagining everything yesterday. It's a bit unnerving to be thinking that.

TheVorticon your post made me smile, thanks. I spent a lot of time this morning trying to work out if there was a fly swapping battle move as I think there may be (but for the life of me I can't remember) 😆 Curious to hear how your game is going. It's really helping keep me keeping on at the moment.

Re: Just checking in.

@CheerBear That's a big let down and I totally get why it would drive you batty, plus the disappointment of it. Good to hear that you messaged him. Fingers crossed that he'll apologise, explain what happened, and find a way to repair things eventually... but I know in the meantime it's going to suck and I don't have any advice on how to reduce the suckiness. 😞


Hmmmm I don't know about a battle move, but maybe 😉 I've got 3 badges but need to train up some useful pokemon to take on the fighting gym. My current team would just get knocked out. I caught a Farfetch'd so I'm excited to evolve it, so training him up will be a good chance. 😄

Also WHAT is up with the Galarian Meowth?! They look so disturbing. I got a Mr Mime and he's weird-looking enough, but I can't get over the Meowth XD

How are you going with the game? Are you focusing on the pokedex now?

Re: Just checking in.

Thanks @TheVorticon 🙂

I may have messaged sibling at 5 something this morning to ask about fly swats haha! If you were a type of trainer what would you be? Yay for for soon to be Sirfetch'd! Random funny, I had no idea Sirfetch'd was the knight kind of "Sir" and thought it was more like "surf"etchd so until I saw it I had images of a bird on a leek kind of surfboard. Facepalmed myself a bit there 😆 The Galarian meowth is a super creep I run far and fast 😝 The others here like it but I just shudder a bit.

I'm at pokedex filling time, swinging between that and trying to take on 500 ponyta for a hunt eventually. Annoyingly the pokedex stopped telling me where and how to find them all now so I have to research and read and do magic weather changing time tricks to fill it 😉 It's taking for.flipping.ever. So fun though 😊

Re: Just checking in.

I heard from psych who forgot until way too late to call me last night. That sucks lots and was super hard, but he is human and I'm way better with human than not.

He's putting the referral in now suggesting the category to hopefully buy me some time to see them without them diving in this weekend with the kids here. It was a 'this is happening no matter what' conversation which was reasonable I guess. Better to do this voluntarily.

He told me to "be your charming self" with them, knowing I'm (insert every other word he's used to describe me that isn't 'charming'). I feel like I'm bracing myself a bit now as how helpful catt are is so hit and miss. But I've done this before and can do it again.

Big breaths.

Re: Just checking in.

Hearing you @CheerBear .Big breaths. 💙💙💙

Re: Just checking in.

Re: Just checking in.

I'm really pleased that you heard back from your psych today, that he put in the referral like you'd discussed, and that he's trying to do it in a least-disruptive way. Still facepalming (face swatting?) about him forgetting until late though.

Big thumbs up for the big slow breaths. You've got this @CheerBear 🙂


I think if I was a trainer I'd be all about fire, fighting and dragon pokemon. There's no subtleties or strategy to my techniques, just pure power lol. Haha that would've been funny having a leek surfboard. 😉

On no that's a pain about the pokedex not telling you anymore! I've been relying on it to point things out for me. I always forget if I've caught a certain pokemon or not. After all that I didn't do much training up today, but I caught a Mrs Mr Mime (I guess even pokemon can be transgender) and just tried to do some stuff in the wild area.

Good luck on your ponyta hunt! 🙂

Re: Just checking in.

Good luck @CheerBear , had my bag packed to go with you. Spent the day either catatonic (metaphorically) or crying. Working my way through it now. 


Big big hugs and many fingers, toes, arms etc crossed that it all goes smoothly. 💜🤗

Re: Just checking in.

Really good experience with triage and catt. Relief is big in a few ways tonight.

@outlander - nice to see you 😘🧡 They're beautiful pics.

Thanks again for listening and getting it @TheVorticon. I had you picked as fire being somewhere in there. No strategy for me either beyond dress in funky black and have the pinkest, prettiest team possible 😉🧚‍♀️

Big, big hugs back @Teej. I've been thinking of you lots today, drawing on all the sensible stuff you've offered me with this in the past. I'm sorry you've had what sounds like a very bad day. Is respite something you can get to? I remember you mentioning it as a possibility, though not sure if that's passed or not a thing now. Listening if it would help (with a side note to say I could call lights out quickly).

Re: Just checking in.

That’s so great that it has worked out well and your experience a good one. @CheerBear . I so hope your stay will help. 


I have been thinking about respite but the timings not quite right. My head is spinning so much. I have space home alone for most of the day which helped. I’m not yet in crisis stage. 


Heres hoping that your stay will be a great chance to reset and pick up all the CB pieces that have been falling off under so much pressure. 


Hi to everyone here too. So sorry not much of a conversationist (new word) lately. Head mashed up a bit.