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Re: Just checking in.

I think it does become easier with time and practice @CheerBear.  It can take a while to learn to set a place at the table for ourselves as well as everybody else, but it’s also something that is important for the kids to learn too, so modelling it from now, and talking about the principles loosely and gently will build it in to their skill base.  This in turn will help them to be good carers for you as they grow up and life changes living forward ..... not in terms of illness and injury, but not abandoning the nest so completely when it’s time for that, that they are still in your life as grown-up fish.

Re: Just checking in.

I'm still having issues with notifications and am not getting some tags via email @Zoe7 and @Faith-and-Hope. Are you?

@Zoe7 glad you're having a restful day. It sounds really nice. A down day often feels good after busy one. Aww to Toby and his beanbag ❤ And yep, furbabies are great 😊 Part of helping out my people will be puppy sitting (I think I named this one 'Pudding' here) - I'm excited about that. My fluff cloud in bed was awesome and I'll have to remember it because it was a cool falling asleep trick 🙂

Love the way you think @Faith-and-Hope - thank you for sharing your thoughts ❤

Re: Just checking in.

Yes getting notifications via email @CheerBear 


It is a beautiful day here but I honestly don't feel like getting out of my jammies - enjoying snuggling up on the couch too much with Toby. I don't have many days like this anymore so I am making the most of it while I can. The next module of DBT starts next week so will be back to that and appointments then. 


It will be fun spending some time with Pudding - even more so that you can have the play time but not the ongoing responsibility - I must say it doesn't feel like that with little Tobes though - it is a joy to have him in my life.


Your fluff cloud does sounds like a super cool way to fall asleep and now you have a new way to help when sleep becomes more tricky. That is pretty awesome Smiley Very Happy

Re: Just checking in.

It's a pretty stunning day here too @Zoe7. I've missed a bit of it with inside stuff but am sitting by the lemon tree enjoying some quiet sunshine at the moment. Tomorrow is supposed to be really nice also and my plan is to spend the whole day in the vegetable garden. It will be so good to have it completely ready for planting again.

Im a big fan of PJ days and think I'd do the same if I was you 🙂 What DBT module is up next for you?

Pudding is awesome! My real life nickname for her is Bunny because she's soooo bouncy 😁 She's a lot of work though and puts me off the idea of having one of our own. Toby sounds like a pretty super dog 🙂

Re: Just checking in.



@CheerBear @Zoe7 @Teej @Former-Member @Kurra @utopia 

Re: Just checking in.

Next module is Interpersonal Effectiveness @CheerBear It is probably the one I struggle with the most - partly due to me liking my own space and not wanting to associate much with others. This is the reason my pdoc wanted me to do this module before I stopped the course - and my psych is definitely on the same page there. They have tried to get me to do things with other people but I really do like being on my own. I have branched out over the last 6 months - working with the Suicide Prevention group, meeting up with my fb friend and returning to work - that really is enough for me for now.


I often call Toby a rabbit because he reminds me of that energiser bunny when he starts running around the house. They are a lot of work but it is well worth it. Toby is a really easy dog to look after though - he is happy having snuggles and has a back yard he can play in that is safe and secure. He does spend most of his time by my side and that bond we have fills me with joy and happiness. ...but you have your LF to look after so an added responsibility of a dog would be a big thing - plus you have 3 cats so the poor dog would definitely not know where to look lol

Re: Just checking in.

I love that image @Faith-and-Hope - pretty much sums up the love and care we all have here for each other Heart

Re: Just checking in.


Re: Just checking in.

Oops - hit post before I put a word in the reply box!

Do you think you naturally like being on your own or do you think life has made you like being on your own (or something else) @Zoe7? (That could be a super tricky question so please don't feel the need to answer if you'd prefer not to). You've taken some huge steps towards doing more things that involve in-person people which is awesome. But so is being on your own if you want to be too. Like you I like being on my own too, to an extent.

You're right that if we got a dog the poor thing wouldn't know where to look! Rocket has added heaps to our house which definitely does feel circus-ish and full sometimes. I guess if we added a dog to the circus is we'd all (8 of us 😮) never get bored though! 😉

Re: Just checking in.

(I have to run and do the school pick up thing @Zoe7 but will read your reply if you post one later - really nice to catch up with you this arvo ❤🙂👋)