25-05-2016 12:07 PM
25-05-2016 12:07 PM
25-05-2016 04:55 PM
25-05-2016 04:55 PM
Hi @BlueBay,
I recognise what you describe in feeling bad about not achieving the goal you set for yourself. Personally, I don't do concrete goals very well. Rather, it works better for me if I set a general intention inside myself and celebrate when I achieve it and avoid beating myself up if I don't. At least if I achieve what I'm hoping to some of the time, that is better than not at all, and a cause for celebration.
Remember that you only just started doing this yesterday! I think it's too soon to expect that you will do this every single day just yet. It's just too hard on yourself to expect 100 percent 'compliance' immediately. In fact there always needs to be room to move with these kinds of things as life has a way of interrupting our best intentions. Very few people would achieve 100 percent compliance with any goal.
Just keep trying to get out there and celebrate when you do is my suggestion. One small step at a time has a way of gathering momentum so that eventually you may reach your goal of every day, but maybe not quite yet. Or maybe you will. Either way, celebrate the successes, minimise the lapses, and more success and greater wellbeing is likely to come your way. Go gently with yourself is my best advice, for what it's worth. 🙂
25-05-2016 07:11 PM
25-05-2016 07:11 PM
Hi @Silenus
Thanks guys. I know i am too hard on myself. I think it would be better if I didn't set unrealistic goals. I won't do that agsin. If i go for a walk then that's good.
Yes @Silenus i did enjoy yesterdays walk, i do remember the salt air of the beach in my face and the wind blowing in my hair. it was so cold but it was so good.
Everything you wrote in your reply is exactly what I do - I need to look at things diffreently.
25-05-2016 07:18 PM
25-05-2016 07:18 PM
Hi @Mazarita
I know i will have to be a bit more gentler on myself. i need to not be so hard. I have all my life been hard on me, expecting things to be always right, always good.
You're right i need to enjoy and congratulate myself when i do go for a walk and it doesn't matter if i don't go every day. i think for now if i just go when i want to go for a walk and not put expectations on myself to do more.
thank you @Mazarita for your advice, i really appreciate it 🙂
25-05-2016 07:41 PM
25-05-2016 07:41 PM
01-06-2016 03:39 PM
01-06-2016 03:39 PM
01-06-2016 06:36 PM
01-06-2016 06:36 PM
hi everyone ,
no exercise here, looking after hubby , my mum and our little business here
as for me -- going to kidney specialist for a six monthly checkup
03-06-2016 06:11 AM
03-06-2016 06:11 AM
Hey all,
I'm just going to butt in here and add that this kind of thread is exactly what I need right now. I'm sick of sleeping my life away and doing little to no movement and I want to start getting out and about and moving my body more so I'm going to do my best to commit to SOMETHING active every day. Literally anything!
Walks are usually my go to, as well as follow-along workout videos and the occassional run (though I haven't done that in yonks thanks to my extreme fatigue!) So I might just check in here to keep myself on track and be motivated by all of you too!
Yesterday I went for a walk for around 45 minutes which was good, and I'm hoping to keep it up!
17-06-2016 01:19 AM
17-06-2016 01:19 AM
Great to see you @CannonSalt
Wondering how you are @MoonGal .. have things settled enough to be walking the doggits again?
17-06-2016 06:26 AM
17-06-2016 06:26 AM
Hey @Appleblossom, @BlueBay, @Silenus and every one else... Long time since I dropped in here, thanks for the prompt Appleblossom.
@Silenus I loved this... "All of us in this life, muddling through, making mistakes, learning as we go, repeating mistakes, trying to get it right but often falling short...
Be gentle with yourselves... be gentle with others... life is difficult... we all make mistakes..."
it is gold.
A while back I wrote on this thread that I started, (then fell off the planet along the way, glad to see it is still resonating or helpful for community members), something about how I set intentions and fail, and sometimes I fail so badly at what I want to do, I end up throwing the baby out with the bathwater and not trying anymore. Someone mentioned me in anothe thread the other day and something I wrote here...
****** Keep on Starting *******
As for me it has been so crazy being Mum's primary carer, themonths of hospital, home (with wheels falling off) hospital, respite care and driving for hours every week. I had to double down m=on my anti-psychotic to cope witht he mess changing anti-depressants made of my body and head, now stable again but put on 5 whole kilogrammes in weight since I strated this thread. In the end I decided I couldn;t worry about it I had enough to worry about. I have no clue if it is going to be doable to lose this weight again. I am heaver today than I have ever been in my entire life by 3 kilogrammes. 😞 Still better that than dead.
I walk doggit still every day IF I can the weather has not been condusive to walking much, and I have often been out from 8.30 am to after 6pm chasing stuff for Mum.
Good news is we have found a permanent room in an aged care facility andwithin the week Mum will move in there. My life should resume to near normal (haha!) within a month or so.
Good on you ALL for keeping up when you can, for getting back up when you haven't and for being a lovely community supporting one another so we can all do the best we can.
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