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Re: Daily Achievements!

.. I finally got a lounge after sitting on plastic outdoor chair for 14months here lol @Glisten @dehaha @Dimity @Judi9877 

Re: Daily Achievements!

@TAB you deserve to have a comfortable lounge to sit on.


Re: Daily Achievements!

ha ha thanks @Glisten 

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Judi9877 @TAB @dehaha @Jynx @Dimity 

Having a Self Care Sunday.

Catching train to the city.

Meeting my daughters for dinner at Six Senses.

Then to the Concert Hall

@TAB you are only allowed to give me validating and encouraging words. No unsolicited advice. Because we are good friends, I feel that I can ask you for the emotional support I need.

Thank you in advance. Your friend G. With hugs

Re: Daily Achievements!

..lost the plot here @Glisten  thought concert was yesterday ? lol

yes, no advice

Re: Daily Achievements!

Nwww you’re so sweet and kind @TAB 

Tabby. Thank you G

Re: Daily Achievements!

got the most amazing stretches lying on lounge @Glisten  i do one side, then swap ends and to the other ha ha its a Cats Life ... lol ...

Re: Daily Achievements!

Congrats on your achievements everyone @Glisten @Judi9877 @TAB @dehaha !

Re: Daily Achievements!

Well done @TAB you can lounge on your lounge in the loungeroom.  Has the cat discovered it yet?

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Dimity 🙌🏼  Mental picture of @TAB and Goose stretched out lounging in the lounge room on the lounge 😆

Wordage 🤪 lol