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Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Really Great diagrams @Shaz51 


Good to keep checking in on these things from time to time.

Smiley Happy


The had a Wellness Masters at my old uni ... but only for a little while. They dropped course before I was ready to sign up.  Darn. It would have fitted my interests well. Never Mind I have you all.


Here are some circles on control.

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Guide to what you can and cannot control during these times.: coolguides






Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

 Hello @Shaz51  I am seeing a GP tomorrow and I am going to ask for help from an aide worker etc - someone who works with me etc.  What do I ask for?  With thanks.



Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

interesting Question @Historylover Heart

I will tag some members for you @Mazarita@eth@NatureLover@Appleblossom@BPDSurvivor@Judi9877@jem80@TideisTurning@frog

I am going to ask for help from an aide worker etc - someone who works with me etc --- in what way ??  @Historylover , write down what you like help with 

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Thank you @Shaz51  I'm hearing people talking about case workers etc and I am not aware of these services which I might be able to receive. I need help with coping with my stress, isolation, PTSD, and anything related to assistance to cope with overwhelming stress.  So much talk about the help available, but I don't know what to ask for so that I don't have to keep going back with alternative requests.


I have no confidence in this GPs willingness to help me other that medicate - which I don't want.  


I'm so very lonely and just don't know where to turn as I don't fit in anywhere.  I need help.  I'm having trouble finding my way through the maze of services which don't apply to me.  My situation is getting worse because I don't know what to do or where to turn.  I trust no-one.


I just need help desperately.  Preferably face-to-face, in home, social, social, social - with people who understand - like everyone here.  I'm in Melbourne.



Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Thanks @Shaz51




Sorry your Gp is not more broadminded.  Could it be worth seeing another?


As far as different professional roles  ... I think 'case workers' are the role when MH orders are made.  I have never had one, but my son did in the past. 


I have a 'support worker' through NDIS and have found it very helpful to feel I have the right to have a visitor once per week and can talk about me, whether or not it spills over into my concern about my son.  The fit can make a difference, but regardless the role is to give support.  It is flexible and up to your own needs and imagination and what the worker feels comnfortable with.  It might be a hurdle to jump to be accepted with NDIS. I do not know other ways to get one, tho a few community mental health organisations in pre ndis times seemed to have them ... ???

I hope others have more answers.


Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Thanks @Appleblossom   This GP is 'another'.  My last one spent all his time on the computer making me feel unnecessary to the consultation.  Then referred for unnecessary tests and consultations - which appointments I declined. Costly to the health budget and will find only that all is well.  Such a waste of time and money.  The hospital even refused one consultation which I was going to cancel myself anyway.


I just want a GP who develops a working rapport with me, and one I can rely on to have my best interests at heart.  One I can talk to - with, even!  I thought I'd try this other but he wants to medicate me which I don't need.  I am becoming increasingly distressed because I can't find help and need it desperately.


I've been looking at Community Health Organizations but haven't been able to find anything suitable.  I'll keep looking further in that area but those I found seemed to be connected to NDIS.


I think it was @greenpea who once said that we save our money, but there are always those standing in line to take it off us.  I agreed at the time and even more so now.  I feel like there are those who get ahead, and us - who provide them with our money so that they can do so.  Please excuse my cynicism but it has always been that way for me and I think for many, many others.


Many thanks for your reply @Appleblossom   I hope you are well and in good spirits.

Take care Heart

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Dear @Historylover 


I am sorry your current Gp is not suitable.  I am impressed you are not slavish to the "expert" and do not want unecessary tests.  It is the ethical approach when often those in the industry like to attack first and presume it is the patients who want everything... under the sun.  


Sadly I too, am in the no gp situation as I hoped my last one was going to be good but she "turned" on me and abused my trust.  Wondering whether it is worth the worry to report the abuse to AMA or let it go.


So I am no rose coloured girl anymore with regards to medical services.  Who would have thought simple bedside, listening and caring skills have been neglected for the tekkie side, but I now see it as an industry to make profit.  No longer a healing profession.  The good ones are now very much in the minority.  They exist.  I sing with one, and this week had corroborating conversation that she was a good un, which is nice.  A few years ago, in a social situation, a Gp admitted to me that most people make the mistake of thinking docs are more ethical than average ..... 


So we have to be our own best healer.  I think some MH organisations shifted focus with the introduction of NDIS.  I was very needy 5 yrs ago and gained and tried to build a sense of a tribe from being on this site.  I have had a few woozies with the NDIS, and also been treated with stigma because I applied.  However I also have had some adequate and good individuals.  


Keep hanging in there and dont take the limitations of workers and even "professionals" overly personally.  They are human.  I am trying to build a teflon deflect shield .... metaphorically ... for when I encounter Bull.  It has taken a long time not to be knocked for a 6, but I am getting better at realising when others are at fault, and picking myself up, and being more determined about my rights.  I am a late bloomer in the 'my rights field', better late than never.


I have seen some orgs that had a section for people not currently on NDIS but with possible eligibility, but am still looking but I cannot seem to find it now on my search engine.  


Its a huge race for the funding I know.  Company structures being set up left right and centre, and then they bloomin change their names for fickle reasons.  However I was so isolated I do have gratitutde as I may not have gotten through last 18 months without NDIS....


Chip away at it, dont take 'them' personally.  Log in here if it helps.

Smiley Happy



Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

I never allow unnecessary tests,@Appleblossom, and treat all consultations as if the money was coming out of my own pocket.  Unnecessary tests and medication is not what I go to a doctor for.  It's rapport!  Sometimes rapport is better than medication - without rapport, the service does not satisfy.  I am just left feeling like an impersonal object which has been passed along a conveyor belt, and a contributor to his accounts. 


In fact, additionally, my ex-psychiatrist trained me to have enormous respect for my body and the complexity of the interacting processes taking place in it.  Nothing is done to my body which can be avoided and dealt with by other means.  Nothing.


I am a BIG whinger regarding the medical profession.  You may recall I mentioned some time ago that my ex-psychiatrist made me study medical text books while I was recuperating from my physical breakdown.  I did so for about 6 - 8 years and when I finished my stint, I concluded that I knew NOTHING!  Such a lot they have to know,  so when I see a newly minted doctor prancing about like they know it all, I make the opposite assessment.  I never assume they know what they are doing.  I make my own assessments over time.  I KNOW how complicated the field is and when they make a mistake, they blame an adverse reaction on the medication, or they don't acknowledge they made a misdiagnosis, or they simply say "we can't save them all", etc.  Or they then move to another practice when they get their patients' treatments and medications in a tangle - or find that they may be better in a large pracice where they can get patients coming through the door rather than build up a practice on their own merit.  Please pardon my scepticism and cynicism but it is based on a lot of observation and experience.  And don't get me started on psychiatry!!!


I remember when doctors became a business venture and it seemed to change the whole dynamic of relating to a doctor.  Then with technology - it is so time consuming and impersonal.  I don't procrastinate when I am with a GP but the conversation has to flow.  I always respect that they have demands on their time and skills.  I just wish they respected me as I wish to respect them.


Re: "simple bedside, listening, caring skills" - I think they have all been educated in the belief that they should not get involved with their patients, or care too much.  Balderdash!!  We do it here and we are just responding with basic humanity.  That is what makes us human.


You are so lucky to be able to sing @Appleblossom .  I'd love to but cannot sing a note.  Which may be a good thing as I only listen to ABC classical music which is on for a major part of my day.  Singing along with an opera would be far beyond my ability.  I often feel like going over to the middle of the local park and letting rip!  Listening to the radio will have to suffice.


I just love this site.  I sing its praises far and wide.  It has kept me going through this enormous trauma and I wouldn't be here without it.  The people are wonderful and I think we all have developed a different sense of self from where we were before joining.  I certainly have.


Anyway - I got my first shower for over a week yesterday, after the leaking shower was resealed so that it didn't leak into the kitchen - which was evident when the kitchen was removed.  The Kaboodle kitchen arrived last night.  It will be a treat when it is installed.  Probably another week, as the handyman is busy and doing everything between all his other jobs.  I hope it inspires me to get into some creative cooking.  Then the walls will be painted and new carpet installed.  I was hoping for blue but got a greyish brown.  It is serviceable and I will probably get a nice large rug for accent. Then I'll do a re-sorting of everything before it all goes back where it belongs.


Anyway, I'm travelling a little better today and will try to maintain it for a good while.   I hope you are travelling well too.


Stay well, stay happy.  Best wishes Smiley Happy

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Hi @Historylover
For what it is worth, I never had to deal with NDIS so I do not know much there but I always use Community Health Centers for doctors and others. I have found doctors there (several of them over the years) to be taking the time when needed, that they get it and seem to care. If one does not click with you, another one in the center might do.
Good luck

Re: 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Hello @Shaz51   I'm feeling rather low today and am wondering if you could send me a birthday wish on 3 September.  It would mean a great deal as no-one, except for a business which required my date of birth on my birthday on one occasion, has wished me a happy birthday for 18 years.  


I hope all is well with you and yours.


Sending best wishes. Heart