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Community Guide

Re: Dark Skies

I am still working on my book and am now into final editing and putting down ground work for publishing.--- this is great @Wanderer 

it is good that you are still working on your book 

yes our children do grow up don`t they my friend 

keep my fingers crossed for centrelink 

and have you tried NDIS 

did you have lockdown during the week ??







Re: Dark Skies

@Wanderer  congratulations Wanderer! that is very exciting news :Dxx

Community Guide

Re: Dark Skies

Yes tried NDIS and will do again once I can get an official diagnosis. --- fingers crossed @Wanderer 
D will finish year ten this year, she already has a job and isn't interested in academia --- wow , that is great my friend 

has she got an idea what she likes to do 

when I was finishing grade 10 , i wanted to do private childcare , soo i had a couple of jobs beforehand and started by childcare businees when i was 18 

hello @greenpea , my sister 



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