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Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Things have slowed a little here but we were able to sell a box of old records to a 2nd hand dealer. Have done a little tidying in the yard.

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

One little declutter before going up to my parents' place was that I got together all the old feeds sacks I could find, chopped up the ones that were getting stiff or had holes in them to go in the soft plastics recycling, and stacked up the good ones at the front gate. We've occasionally had people in town asking for empty feed sacks, so I put up a post on our town's facebook page, and they were gone by the next morning. ๐Ÿ˜„


Because we were tired I didn't really get any sorting done this trip, but out of the trailerload we brought back...

-Dressing table goes into Younger Daughter's room, chest of drawers is going to my sister, two drawer filing cabinet inside somewhere (as yet undecided) and move papers into it from their current cardboard boxes.

-I've brought back some Christmassy paraphenalia that neither my sister nor I want, but I figure it will be easier to sell it on from here than to try to do so there with little or no internet.

-Some of Dad's stamp albums. Will need to go through them with Sis and decide if they're keepers, or if we take them to a dealer.

-A bunch of Dad's paperbacks, unsorted. Will keep some, sell some, possibly recycle some that are seriously junky.

-A fair portion of Dad's beloved "Phantom" comics collection. Am keeping those.

-Some of Mum's potted bromeliads and bulbs. Keeping those.

-A front grille off a classic car that Dad had in his scrap metal, and which will be a desirable item, so we'll be contacting some relevant car clubs to send that on to a good home.


I'm wanting to get together enough to have a garage sale. We've got good things in our house that have been superseded by things that we like better, so we need to find that precious mental time and space to decide which things need to move on to new homes.

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

I had to de-clutter & empty out my main stationary drawer (small chest) yesterday.

I sorted through, & threw out most of the huge pile of receipts etc.

That's because the drawer collapsed a few days ago, & I could not use it or open & close it. The front came off, & the bottom fell out.

I got the drawer back together - but I had no energy left (or time) to glue it.

So it's back in use, but may fall apart again (& need gluing).

At least it won't be as difficult (almost impossible) to get the contents out, next time to fix it.

There is much less in it now.


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Decluttering has slowed a bit at our place as we have been concentrating on the outdoors but this week I did manage to sort and file a few more office papers. 


It was pleasing that we could have a friend stay a night in our spare bedroom.

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help


You will find a lot of tips in this thread - a few of us carers join in too. 


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help


Having a drawer break = ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Resultant declutter = ๐Ÿ˜€

Silver lining to found ๐Ÿ‘

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Yes I shall try to focus on those Silver Linings @Former-Member

Decluttering is always a good thing - even when forced by circumstances.

It frees up space & mental energy (as well).

Then I don't have to think of moving things, to reach something else (behind).

As I grew up in a severely cluttered house, that you could barely move in (2 hoarding parents) - clutter is a trigger, that leaves me feeling trapped & powerless.


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help


I know when I get a job done,  I feel I am a victor not a victim. 

Big yahoo to you for getting the papers sorted.

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Thanks @Former-Member Much appreciated.

Yes, satisfaction at a job well done.

More space, yippee...


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi. This my first post.

Just to say how motivating I find this forum.

Here I am still in bed at 9:30 am.

Living alone with no family or partner is difficult.

However, I'm lucky.

My house once resembled that of a level 3 hoarder.

I know the joy and liberation of decluttering.

So now I'm going to jump into two hours of housework.

Thanks all. Eddie1