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Senior Contributor

New challenge


I just turned up home from a hospital admission, not from an MI issue this time.

I got a confirmation of a pretty nasty tumor in the lower intestines, which was really giving me some very odd symptoms.

Anyway I know I have a fairly long road for surgery and chemo ahead, and I think I have got my head around this.

As always I think its the people around you that are more effected.

Its good I could come home and jump on the forums, which does demonstrate how supportive it can be.

I have to say though this is the first time I really feel like I am in a very remote area well away from support services.





Re: New challenge

Hi @kenny66,

I'm so very sorry and sad to hear about the tumour. Smiley Sad

When did you find out? How are you feeling about it? I can only imagine what it would be like telling your friends, worrying about them, while also thinking about what the journey ahead will be like.

Sending you big cuddles, @kenny66. We're here for you. Heart


Re: New challenge

Heya @kenny66,

Just want to give you these. They're Australian natives - strong, and resilent - just like you.


Re: New challenge


I got told it was malignant last night,

I dont know what to think about it yet. Maybe that will come later. To be truthful I am pretty shell shocked because it came right out of left field.

I dread telling my flatmate more than anything else.

Thanks for the cuddles






Re: New challenge

I hope you have a speedy recovery @kenny66, wit hnew treatments for tumors coming out in quick sucession i am sure it will be treatable, i hope you manage to get some good treatments, good luck with your new challenge.


All the best



Re: New challenge


I suspected it was relatively new news by your previous. It's normal to feel shocked when you find out something like this.

No doubt you'll go through a series of emotions. Just ride them and know that they will pass.

My mum had cancer (she's recovered now), and she waited quite some time before she told me because - like you - she was worried about how I would take it. When I found out, it was tough, but I felt better knowing that she wasn't carrying it on her own.

Hope you can take some time for you to reflect and process things. If you want to chat through how or if you should tell how your housemate. We're hear to run ideas by...

If there's anything we can do, please let us know.

Re: New challenge

thanks for that.

I am definitely more worried about the effect on my close friends rather than me.

I have to go off to Brisbane or Townsville for the op (which is another disadvantage for living rural).

The specialist is trying to get me in for next week sometime because its one of the aggressive ones.

I am not sure whether to drop the bad news on my mates now or wait until I know when I will be admitted. What do you think? Do you also think I should downplay its seriousness.

@CherryBomb I think I will wake up a little scared tomorrow. As you probably know from your mum, the specialists don't sugar coat the diagnosis or prognosis at all these days, so I pretty well now what I am in for.

Apart from the op being a  big one, apparently the chemo is horrible.

Re: New challenge

Thanks Jacques


I am sure everything will work out



Re: New challenge

Hey @kenny66

I actually really don't know what to say. I admire your response around this, even in your subject line "New Challenge' shows that courage you have.

I've had several people in my life go through chemo, and everyone's experience has been different. Some felt nauseous, some didn't; some had their hair fall out, while others didn't. It seems like it's a real individual experience. 

The one thing they did have in common though was the boredom they felt while having treatment. For some 1 treatment is 6 hours and sitting there for 6 hours can really mess with some people. So my biggest tip is have some entertainment - some books, TV, or anything that distract you.

Your selflessness and concern for your housemate is couragous. You have such a generous heart; but you shouldn't have to go through this alone. I know I would be really sad if I knew my friend had gone through this alone. Even though your housemate may have a bad response, it's because he's concerned - and I'm sure he would want to be able to do whatever he can to be there for you.

We are here to support you.

Keep us updated.


Re: New challenge

Hi @NikNik

I woke up today and am fine about it. Not scared  or anything . I told my F/M at breakfast this morning.  He was so shocked then but now he has swung into treating me as an invalid mode which I hope he gets over quickly, such a nice guy.

My other mates are coming over tonight so I will tell them about it then.

I think when something is inevable you think to yourself you just have to get on and deal with it and get it over. Thats what I think anyway.

The support from the forum is comforting. I will send a note when i go in for the op. From what I have been told I will be off the air for some time so I wont be able to access the forums