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Re: My girl

@Anastasia @Thank you my friend 🙏❤️

Re: My girl

Thinking of you and your girl this afternoon @Krishna  and eating carrot cake.



Re: My girl

Here too @Krishna @Eve7 

are you ok Eve?

Re: My girl

Thanks @Eve7 and carrot cake, yum xx

Re: My girl

Are you ok @Krishna ?

How was your picnic?

Re: My girl

Hey @Anastasia   Just really want to go to bed now and have this day finished. Decided to just do the food shopping instead and on my return home a message from my girls NDIS carer stating my girl has asked if I could send money for her birthday. Present still sitting at post office. I gave it some thought and decided to send her $50 being her birthday. Attempted to do so only to find my account has been hacked and am still on hold with the CBA after 1.5 hours with the most annoying music lol. Wasn't meant to be. I'm emotionally exhausted but tomorrow's another day xxx

Re: My girl

Oh @Krishna 

Not what you needed to add to an already difficult day, I am sorry to hear this. Hugs and hugs. I'm in bed. Gave up on my day. Hope you can too?

Tomorow is a new day 🌷

Re: My girl

@Anastasia yes dinner then bed. Rest well lovely xxx 

Re: My girl

thank you @Krishna , sending you lots of hugs , been thinking of you lots Heart





Re: My girl

Sorry to hear your day was interrupted in that way. @Krishna 

You can only do what you can.

I had a scam in January which I still have not fully sorted, but is on the list for next week. 


I see part of parenting as setting an example and leading regarding different levels of meaning. Your discomfort with issues around cash gifts and appreciation of other gifts resonated with me.  There has to be more to relationships.  

Hope the coming week is better.



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