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Re: A long rave

Morning @eth 

You have been very busy, but as you said once you choose your support worker things should settle down for you.

Doing interviews etc is time consuming.   Fingers crossed your meet and greet goes well on Tuesday.  Heart

Re: A long rave

Thanks @Scarecrowe  I hope so too.  I'll have my long term support worker with me and hopefully she will join in the discussion.


Have a good day @TAB   hope it's not as hot where you are as it has been.

Re: A long rave

Well hopefully today @eth  you can relax a bit ready for a new week.


Morning to everyone here today.  I am off to do a bit of gardening whilst the wind has settled down before it gets gusty again which it is forecast.  Be back later.


Blessings to everyone on this Sunday............................Heart

Not applicable

Re: A long rave

Hi @eth  and also @Scarecrowe @TAB @octavia 


Sounds like a massive undertaking Eth, with all that screening and interviews etc.  Agree with your brother about the applicant who didnt bother to phone back, but good that you will still do her the courtesy of speaking with her.  I hope the rest of the interviews go really well and that you can find the perfect support worker.  Perhaps the Tuesday meet and greet will prove to be just what you are looking for .. hope so.


Has your uncle been able to return to his home on the mid-north coast yet?  I know some areas around where he lives still have road closures. I think I read he was spending some time with you last week, did that happen?  Its a really nice spot where he lives.  I live further North from there.  The 3 main fires surrounding where we are, are currently downgraded to "advice" level.  Milder conditions the past couple of days has eased things a lot.  Water bombing still happening near here though, hitting some hotspots as needed. Smoke much reduced yesterday and today though, which is a big relief.  It was so thick on Friday that it was like sucking treacle through your lungs with every breath. Not nice at all.


Okay must go.  Nice catching up. I look forward to hearing more about your support worker issue, when you're ready to divulge. 


Sherry 😊💕

Re: A long rave

Good morning @eth and hope you make the right choices. Have a pleasant
Sunday. All good wishes. Bimby2.

Re: A long rave

Hey @Former-Member   great to hear from you and really good to hear that things are improving where you are.  Sounds like you are breathing easier in a couple of ways.  Uncle decided to stay down south for an extra two weeks and I haven't heard from him since last weekend.  He was saying 'if it goes it goes' about his place.  I'm not sure if the fires flared up there again.  But I do know they've been bad not too far from bro and sil's farm, around the nearby town.  My driving instructor lives there and so last week's lesson was cancelled.  Anticipating that might happen again this week, but have to be prepared to do it if it can go ahead.


More about the support worker situation - have one alternate Fridays that I have no rapport with and little trust - she often leaves me somewhere alone for 10 minutes at a time which is really challenging for me when out in public.  Puts me on high alert.  She doesn't talk to me about my goals either.  And my 3 day a week support worker is the one urging me to add more people to my 'team' so someone new might get one of her shifts going forward.  Plus there's a few things that are only on monthly that I want to do.  Still undecided whether to add 2 new people or just one.  The other support worker in my team already is expecting a baby and having a difficult pregnancy so rarely available at this stage.   It seems complicated and feels that way too!  I'm looking forward to when I am back in a routine with a team I trust and can depend on.

Re: A long rave

Hi and thanks @Bimby2   warm wishes from me too.

Re: A long rave

Hi @eth Good to hear you and i read your messages haven't had much of a chance to respond. I'm here but going off the computer for a while to go to the gym for excitement for the next hour. It sounds like you are well and making the steps positively with your work situation.    

Re: A long rave

Enjoy the gym @Everan .  I don't work, the job I've advertised is for personal support workers to help me get out into the community (both socially and essential appointments and errands) and work on improved health and wellbeing.  I have NDIS for bipolar 1 and complex PTSD.

Re: A long rave

@eth hey, have a good day. Take care.

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