05-08-2018 05:47 PM
05-08-2018 05:47 PM
I'm fragile and depressed tonight, @outlander, but safe and relaxed at home with it now. Just riding the moods, they are going up and down a bit, and are kind of mixed up at the same time too. I've been saying a mantra to myself on the in and out breath when I need to, which has been many times today. On the in breath, I say 'free'. On the out breath, I say 'now'. It helps free my mind of worries and bring my awareness into the present moment.
05-08-2018 05:59 PM
05-08-2018 05:59 PM
05-08-2018 06:02 PM
05-08-2018 06:02 PM
Yes, @outlander. It's means a lot to me that today is my first day of not taking anti-psychotic meds for over five years. But I'm also feeling the effects of missing the dose. It will settle down as it washes out of my system over the next week or so. I'm hoping I will start sleeping less too.
I'm going off to watch Seinfeld now, and then a bunch of Big Bang Theories. Hope you get some relaxation time after dinner and enjoy the rest of it.
05-08-2018 06:07 PM
05-08-2018 06:07 PM
05-08-2018 06:07 PM
05-08-2018 06:07 PM
Sorry to hear how your feelinig tonight @Mazarita and hoping your mantra is helping. I like it.
Spent a while having a fb conversation with my Mum this afternoon and kind of let loose on her. She sent me a message telling me wrongly how I must be feeling and I told her what I actually feel. And got stuck into her about the type of ways she communicates that really push my buttons. As usual she didn't get it and brought up lots of things about her intentions mattering more than how she affects the person she says things to. I was so angry after a while that I just stopped replying and she carried on a bit more. It's true that I'm 55 and she's 78 as she said but I've told her I'm over just being submissive around her and the ways she undermines the work I do to manage my MH challenges. I'm raving on but you probably get the picture. It's the 2nd wave of sheer anger I've had recently triggered by communication with her. No doubt influenced by having spent this week's psychology session talking about traumas in our family history. And the way she rewrites history to put a gloss on it that's total bs. And condescends to me if I demonstrate that I'm capable of independent thinking and don't buy her line. And talks about me with others who let me know about it. She seems to think I'm not even capable of managing my own finances. Rant over.
05-08-2018 06:17 PM
05-08-2018 06:17 PM
I hope you feel less blue soon.
me when I’m coming out a little but still hiding under the like button 🙂 (notice the confused and I’m just lying here with the I’ve got nothing look 😳)
hi @Mazarita, @outlander, @CheerBear, @eth, @Exoplanet and all coming this way.
Im ok. Not much to say really. It’s a horrid cold wet windy day here and I haven’t ventured outside much. Been cleaning up the kitchen and doing jigsaw puzzles. Dog is unhappy, I’ve braved the weather most days but not today. Still in my pjs and uggies contemplating a shower 🤭 and cooking something for tea. I didn’t get to sleep until 7:30 this morning and then was up to feed dog at 8:30, then got another two hours sleep.
Oh Cheerbear I did smile at your news. Big huge grins actually 😁.
Well done Maz on your productive day although sorry you aren’t feeling so great now.
Exoplanet so good that you are still onwards and upwards with fencing and life stuff.👍
sounds like another bust day @outlander.
My friend took me out to see mumma Mia 2 yesterday which was just gorgeously daggy and light corny entertainment and fun. You can’t go past a gorgeous middle aged cast hamming it up and not taking themselves too seriously (Colin Firth, Pierce Brosnan and Julie Waters made me laugh). Apart from that my weekend has been dog and me.....read dog needing to touch me or play 24/7.
05-08-2018 06:23 PM
05-08-2018 06:23 PM
05-08-2018 06:26 PM
05-08-2018 06:26 PM
Quiet @outlander, just me and dog. Will try to cook something soon and maybe do a bit more house work. How about you?
05-08-2018 06:33 PM
05-08-2018 06:33 PM
05-08-2018 07:42 PM
05-08-2018 07:42 PM
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