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Re: A long rave

Thanks @Appleblossom It has been heartwarming to have the support I have had over the past few weeks. I suspect it is only going to get harder from herein though and that is not something I am looking forward to. I can only do what I can do though so time will tell how things go over the next few weeks.

It must be so lovely to have your son come home and be excited about where he has been - it would certainly give you a heartlift too - I really am so pleased for you Hon - and you get some quality time on your own as well so a win-win all around Heart

Re: A long rave

Re: A long rave


I don't know what's more important my physical health or ment health. I seem I can't have both.
The medication they give me for my brain tumour makes me more psychotic. And a few other meds I've tried this year have messed heart.
I'm scared my tumour will get worse not better and I'm scared the psychosis will continue to get worse not better.

Re: A long rave

I truly wish I could do something that would help your situation @The-red-centaur

I have been thinking about your post, but all I can do is "Hold Hands" and give a Hug ... cyber style.


Re: A long rave

Hi @Appleblossom @Mazarita @The-red-centaur @Shaz51



I have been looking at your messages.....been extrodinarily busy

I saw this amazingly surreal and lovely lovely Dvd calld 

"Mary Magdelene." It came out last year and stars Joquain Phoenix......


How are you all ? 


Re: A long rave

Thinking about you @The-red-centaur


Mnaging your own life is very difficult sometimes with meds. My husband and I can struggle and struggle with your own personal meds but know that I am walking with you.


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Re: A long rave

Doing ok this morning @PeppiPatty - slept okay which is good because I have a busy day ahead.

It is always good to see you when you can pop in Hon - it is good that you have been busy - it helps to get through the days in s more positive way.

Re: A long rave

Re: A long rave

Thinking of you too today @Shaz51 knowing it is going to be another very hot day and you have work. Stay hydrated Hon and out of the heat as much as you can Heart

Re: A long rave

Good morning all.  I haven't been here since Friday morning - too many pages to catch up on.  Hope things are going well, peacefully for all who see this.

@Mazarita  It seems like ages since we chatted.  Hope you are travelling ok and looking forward to hearing from you when you feel up to it.