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Re: A long rave

Hello @Mazarita, @greenpea, My sleeping has changed a little bit and today i have had a headache all day '

wondering if I am stressed by everything that is going on a the moment

mum is improving and i know she is feeling better because she is giving me lots of orders but she will end up back in hospital again like in 8 weeks time or less

she gets very well looked after in hospital but there is so much to do and with mr shaz everyday ups and downs and with my physical problems

sorry my friends

sending you all hugs and hoping you are all ok xxxxx @CheerBear, @eth, @greenpea, @Mazarita, @Exoplanet, @Snowie, @Sans911

Re: A long rave

Hi @Shaz51 hope you're feeling well today and not working too hard.

@saturnzoon  I hear you about not getting out independently - it's that way for me too.  I'm glad your son supports you.  I'm very sorry to hear you've lost supports because of NDIS taking over - I really hope your review goes in your favour.  You can probably get a Disability Advocate (they're in every state, google them) which I found really helpful.  @greenpea's suggestion might be a possibility for you too.  When I was isolated with no supports up north I found a social worker through community health who was really helpful.

Hi @Appleblossom  @outlander  @Exoplanet @Sophia1 @Former-Member @PeppiPatty @Faith-and-Hope  @Teej   hope today is going well for you all. 

@greenpea very nice to hear you are getting some support to get out more.


Re: A long rave

Sending love your way @Shaz51  You're a real hero the way you care for others with all your health problems too.  Hope you get some quiet days for yourself before your mum needs you again.

Re: A long rave

thank you @eth xx

we have a big family and they all know what is best soo it is a bit hard which way to go xx

how was you day

Re: A long rave

I've had a good day thanks @Shaz51.  Mostly quiet but I gave sil's mum next door a massage for a bit over an hour - feeling good about that.  She told me she's in less pain since I did it - she has advanced osteo arthritis so it's nice to be able to help and it's good for me doing it too - stamina and self-esteem building.

Re: A long rave

how lovely @eth Heart

yes my MIL is in a lot of pain with her osteo prosis and the diagnosis is she will have an ached back in the futher xxxx

Re: A long rave

@Shaz51 osteoporosis is very different - it means low mineral density in the bones and leads to brittle bones that break easily.  I have early stages of it in a few areas and take supplements for it.  People with advanced osteoporosis can only have very gentle massage.  Totally different massage style from that for osteoarthritis that I did today.  But a qualified therapist would know how to get it right.

Re: A long rave

Yes my MIL has osteoporosisplus something else @eth poor darling xxxx ohhh sending you tender hugs @eth xx

Re: A long rave

Hi everyone. A night of raggedy sleep here. Not long after 4am, this is my fifth wake up since going to bed last night. Feeling exasperated with it. The quality of sleep in these short snatches has not been good this night. I've now taken a prn muscle relaxant to try to ease the tightness of my body. And while I'm waiting for it to help, I thought I'd take some time here writing to friends.

@eth, lovely to read your post from yesterday. Really glad to hear your Sunday meeting with your care worker went so well. Sounds like she has hit the ground running with you. How lovely to take a ferry ride, have a coffee in the park over chat. When I lived in Sydney for about a year, decades ago, my boyfriend and I used to take many a ferry ride, just for the pleasure of it. So lovely to be out on the water, and affordable because it was public transport. Fond memories of days and nights on the harbour. So cool that you feel a good connection with her, though sorry there was a trigger in the trip. Good to hear she was reassuring about that. A very promising start it seems. Also great to hear about you giving sil's mother a massage. Drawing on your long experience and skill in that area to help one of your family crew. I imagine how rewarding it would have been for you and her both. Stamina and self esteem coming your way, relief from pain for her. How lucky they are to have a masseur in the home!

@Shaz51, it's not surprising you would be stressed with all that is going on around you. From my point of view, you carry a heavy load of caring for others, work and ill health. I hope you are able to take care of yourself and not always prioritise everyone else ahead of yourself. I once saw the Dalai Lama speak to a large audience. He talked about compassion for all, but stressed that we must not forget about compassion for ourselves in equal measure. I wonder if it's worth talking to your GP about the difficulty of things. I also wonder if there is any kind of community organisation that might be able to offer some support, even maybe some support to be found through your church community? I am thinking of you, dear scotirish sister, and hoping there is a reprieve in the demands on you at some time soon.

@CheerBear, wonder if you are awake yet. That solitary early bird that has been around lately is calling to the dawn again, though the sky is still dark. If I miss you this morning, sending love and good wishes for your day.

@everyone, hope you wake refreshed and that the coming day flows smoothly for all.


Re: A long rave

Morning @Mazarita. Sorry to hear how tricky your night has been. Nights like that are long and rough. Big hugs.

I have been awake for a little while but am still in bed, though once I press post I will get up and head for the kettle and then to my coffee spot to watch the sunrise. Nice to hear about your bird friend. Do you know what type of bird it is?