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Re: 14th year house bound

i hope your classes are finished now my angel, i hope you saw the photo i just put up for you, me and others on this forum, sometimes we can be our own worst enemy.


You are not alone Karen, i am always here for you my friend. just like you are for me.


How about sharing amy sleeping bag Karen, the smell here is of fresh pine wood, their is a mill not far down the road, they make timber int olengths for people to use, so that is such a nice smell.



Re: 14th year house bound

ok, so we will all count down for your Saturday 🙂 heres hoping every thing will go quick and easy breezy.

i like the unexpected smell of a jasmine bush when you walk past, and grass, oh my fav smell at the minute is when you water your veg garden ❤️ . i layed out in the grass today the weather was perfect for me for about 20 minutes- i haven't done it in forever, it made me feel younger- covered in probable bugs, ants and itchy bits of the grass.

Re: 14th year house bound

Thanks Jacques ill take you uo on the offer of the sleeping bag . I'm full if night meds you may have to carry me to bed

thanks for the distraction Baboo . Enjoy your evening.

Re: 14th year house bound

Goodnight my angel, i will watch over you, no one can hurt you while i am watching over you.


You made i through another day, i am proud of you.


Sleep well



Re: 14th year house bound

nightnight hiddenite- i might only be here only every now and then, but its still good to have a little chat 🙂

Re: 14th year house bound

Hi Jacques hope your enjoying your time in the garden.
thinking of you

Re: 14th year house bound

oh my angel,  thank you for your message,  no today i am organising the loungeroom,  i am making a new tv cabinet,  something smaller. 


Karen how are you going today? my thoughts are with you too my angel.   i hope you are having a better day and feeling more relaxed today.   you are almost half way through this week Karen,  i am so proud of you..


Karen i would be so honoured if you would start a new thread for us to continue our journey.  please call it what you like.


i am here for you my angel.  big hugs



Re: 14th year house bound

Oh Jacques I thought you would do it. Its your thread thats being closed. You are so much better at computers than me. Did you read niks post.
thanks for the hugs Jacques I feel protected in your arms

Re: 14th year house bound

Enjoying time with others "catching up"
Thats what we agreed apon.
Jacques can you please start it. I feel you should have the first post
Not applicable

Re: 14th year house bound

@PeppiPatty wrote:

Dear @Former-Member

 feels like a little bit of your anger has gone away.....Is it because


Love A

Hi @PeppiPatty please don't write things like this to me in future. It's really disrepectful, condescending and judgemental; unless I've hired you as my psychologist, therapist or analyst these kinds of questions are not appropriate. You and myself are equals, peers on the forum and I'm a person, not an object to amuse you.

What I would like is if you'd have enough warmth and respect to ask me something about myself.. what are my hobbies, how am I feeling, sorry that I'm having a bad day. I can't force you to do that but I believe in working conflicts thru and that includes asking someone what you'd like them to do, not just asking them to stop doing what you don't like.

Hi  @Appleblossom, please don't write impersonal diatribes and esays to me, I find it really I disrepectful. I'm a person and your equal, not an object to amuse you, to lecture at, to project onto just becuase i'm lonely and I'm not your book editor or paid audience. What I would like is if you'd had enough warmth and respect to ask me something about myself.. what muisc I'm listening to, how my day is going - I can't force you to do that I can only ask.

I hope you'll both consider my feedback with the respect it deserves.