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Looking after ourselves

Re: Support for long term grief

Hi @Former-Member,

It sounds like you are doing everything you can to stay safe tonight, and we are sitting with you. It's hard to not get the response you were looking for when you reach out for help, and I am sorry to hear that it wasn't what you needed in the moment.


We really appreciate you letting us know you are safe right now. Going to bed and watching home and away sounds like a good plan 💙 We are here if you need to chat 

Re: Support for long term grief

Quiet day.  Station runs for my son.  Banking. Time in the garden.  He is doing alright.  Doing his best and I cant ask for more.  Doing a job everyday.  Doing good self care.  My fingers are crossed.


I have tried to get a life and make friends. I put a lot of thought and effort in but it seems people have to have gone through those hard times to be able to connect at all.  I often feel on a different planet.  Was 


A new friend is dropping in tomorrow and on weekend I am going to one of choirs which is having first rehearsal since Covid.  Am reading a book on Liturgy, but my head is not into it. I spend a lot of time thinking of the small blessings.

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