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So fact is, I've never had any friends, I've always felt disliked by everyone I have ever met so I don't know how it feels to be supported. This has lead to a spiraling effect for my generalized anxiety and depression. I have quit everything I've ever started in my life and ive never had any one there to support me in anything I've ever attempted. So now I'm at the point in my life where I should have it all together and I have nothing, not even any sign of recovery. I have started online courses and I am trying to stay determined and get a full time job, I guess I just need help with staying away from the dark parts in my mind so that I can stay motivated to succeed for the first time in my life. Thank you.
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Re: Lonliness.

Hi Samantha

I'm glad that you are here. I feel isolated a lot too. Its really hard not to have people/family/friends around you, especially when things are tough. I am hopeless at reaching out to people and always have felt like there is 'something wrong/bad' that other people will know/see/realise if i get too close. I am learning that this isnt true.. that i've learn this because other people who were wrong taught me badly. But... its hard! 

However, here is a safe place, where you can be with friends who understand and support.

Hope to see you around some more,


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Re: Lonliness.

Hi @samantha_8

Welcome to the Forum!  I'm very glad you found us.  No matter how tough you are finding relationships in the 'real' world, here is a place where you are very welcome.  I hope that you spend some time here reading the threads, adding your views and getting to know people.  When you have a nose around you'll see that you really aren't alone in what you're dealing with.

It sounds like you're working hard to stay positive and kick some study and work goals.  I read a while back that determination is much more strongly connected to achievement than ability.  This means we just need to keep trying.  It's not the smartest amongst us that end up winners, it's the ones who persevered.  I find that encouraging anyway 🙂 

How about coming along to Friday Feast where you can just hang out for a bit and get to know people?  Check out this link here.  

Hope to see you there! 




Re: Lonliness.

Welcome @samantha_8

I have also dealt with loneliness a lot. 

For a long time I was very tongue-tied in social situations. I never felt that anyone was talking to me.  Being social for me was often just being a third wheel. Sometimes I force myself to make a social effort.  sometimes I embrace my lone wolf side as it can also be related to creativity.


Re: Lonliness.

Hi @samantha_8

I think your post shows great determination and courage.

Is there anything we can do to help you stay on track. I'd love to be able to support you and encourage you, which I'm sure others would too.

Maybe you could tell us the steps you're taking in each of your goals?

Happy to help where I can (as I'm sure many others are too!)