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Looking after ourselves

Re: Checking in


Hi again @BlueBells 

How was your day?

Re: Checking in

Hi @oceangirl

I hope the weather there is as bright as it is starting off here. Enjoy your 'me time' 🙂

Lots of hugs, take care oxoxox

Re: Checking in


Thanks for asking. My day was , well, about 9 hours 'work' to get a couple of hours worth competed, but I'm accepting that now 🙂

Fluffbutt (kitty) is smooching lappy, so typing is interesting, as she pushes it off the table often enough 🙂

My longer haired cats are fluffbutts, they have names, but all fluffbutts 🙂

Re: Checking in

Re: Checking in

@oceangirl   hi sweetheartx

Re: Checking in

Hi @oceangirl how are you? Hope you are doing ok. 
I’ve been quiet on here. Feeling a bit “out of place” on here. 
have a nice day xx

hi @Shaz51 @Emelia8 @Snowie xxx

Re: Checking in

Morning @BlueBay , @oceangirl , @greenpea xx


Keep in contact regularly with your friends here is the way to go my  sister 


How was your holiday 😊 

Re: Checking in

Thanks @Shaz51 our little break was nice. Except once we got to our second destination the drivers door wouldn’t close or lock. So RACV came and towed car to a local mechanic and he had to order a part. So we ended up staying an extra three days. Had to cancel all my appts and reschedule. We did lots of walking!!! RACV are paying for our extra stay as we have a complete care package. 
so all in all it was good!!!



Re: Checking in

@BlueBay @Shaz51 💜💜


Re: Checking in

Hi @oceangirl

Thanks for the Hi 🙂


Hugs oxoxox

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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