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Re: Self care by growing a garden

@Smc @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Determined

I have detailed recollections of the entire expanse of the Private Golf Course – Where I was the sole Gardener (Bush Care Officer they called it).


My recollections are clearly about “feeling connected with nature”, & the beauty of the place.

I felt that more strongly there than almost anywhere else.


I established many of the Gardens there myself, & maintained the existing gardens - covering 1000's of square metres.


The Golf course bordered on a large nature reserve - I did large amounts of revegetation & natural (native) plantings, on the perimeter.


Connection with nature & beauty now lost – totally disconnected.


There is also a status & wealth aspect to it.

Many people would buy multi-million $$ houses, on the perimeter of that Golf Course – just to have a view of it from their house, & to be able to walk through the grounds.


I know that, because they told me they did.


My small Block (& Garden) is dwarfed in comparison with that....




Re: Self care by growing a garden


When I started this discussion thread my gardening mojo had gone and I wondered if I would ever get it back. It has been a gradual process but I do feel joy again when working in the gardening and dreaming of what I can plant post bamboo and post home renovations (plumbers will need to dig 😵).


Autumn is one of my favourite times in the garden and at present am sneaking in a few 5-10 minute jobs as self care activities 🙂.



Re: Self care by growing a garden

Hi Darcy, if you can't garden now, there are great gardener sites to share stories with other members. Earth Gardeners is one. They're really nice supportive people. Good info and tips and feedback if you share a gardening problem. I agree gardening is very therapeutic. 

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Hi @Grevillea  @Romi 

Would love to hear about your gardens.

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Would love to hear about your gardens., me too @Grevillea@Romi 

Hello @Former-Member , @Adge@Determined , @Former-Member 

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Me three @Grevillea, @Romi. 🙂

I went through a similar thing to @Former-Member (and @Adge too, I think?) where the psychological strain of caring flattened my energy for gardening. I've found this thread was great for helping me get back to it, because others understood why the little things like getting the watering done were actually "big" achievements.

I follow a few online groups too, but I've found the one that I'm most inclined towards is a small group where a lot of the members have been able to get to know each other, at least in the "virtual" world. Earth Garden is one of the "big" groups that are good value though.

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Yes @Smc I can relate to what you're saying.

I have no energy left for anything, which is how my gardening went to pot.

Rather ridiculous, since I was a Green Thumb from younger than the age of 10 (germinating seedlings & striking cuttings) - plants always gave me much joy.

Especially seeing them growing (or having grown).

Gee, a new leaf (shoot)....



Re: Self care by growing a garden

Got out in the garden for the first time in a while.  I got a bit of weeding done and made a start on digging a channel to divert the overflow of our little rainwater tank which at present is non existent and I have been stressing about it.

Re: Self care by growing a garden

@Former-Member, so that's one thing off your mind anyway. 🙂

My "something off my mind" task has been putting together a basic greenhouse from salvaged materials we've had sitting around. Double achievement- converts "junk" into useful and orderly, and means I'm not lying awake at night and suddenly realising it might be cold enough to freeze my plants out of existence. ❄️❄️❄️

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Job not finished, drain only half done @Smc.