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Re: Falling apart

@Determined its not just sabotage of the relationship but also of mr.s progress in general.

Lets hope tomorrow goes okay. We need to get through that.

Re: Falling apart

Dear @dands26

It's grea that at least you are able to write down self care plans.

Which state do you live in? I live in Western Australia. I do go down the beach every day but it can be stressful because of my daily wellbeing.

I personally like mindfullness meditation: I started with Jon Kabat Zinn: "Wherever You Go there you are," and the other one that you played.

The first meditation I ever did is here:


But it goes for 6 hours is nice: Very nice just to listen to.........


Re: Falling apart

I live in queensland @PeppiPatty
I will have a listen to that one also 🙂
I am still learning self - care
Learning what to do
Apologise for everything
Does it get easier?

Re: Falling apart

Does it get easier?


It gets easier in that the routine gets into a swing and you relax in the routine.

Timetables are so important in mine and Mr g's life.

Does is get easier?

My love for Mr g is more grounded.

We have had huge highs and huge lows: things that most people would have walked away from and right now; today; I was thinking that it would be very easy to walk away and I would have a great story of why I walked away. 


Short term/ exciting high feelings of excitement love are not for me. Mr g works so so hard every day to be with me and I'm always working at being kind. Who would want to throw that away? 



Being quiet at times for the other to work out stuff.

At the end of the day: not going to bed with huge apologies and reflecting on the GOOD as well and the bad. 

Writing a timetable for tomorrow/ letting him do it is good. 

Remembering that every day; MI means that the sufferer wakes up with their condition.

Does it get easier?


If you keep up your self care. 

Re: Falling apart

Great answer @PeppiPatty .... ❣️

Re: Falling apart

I needed to read that @Faith-and-Hope


I didnt think if it was good enuf......

It heped me clarify some things in my mind though. HeartHeartHeart

s-l225 2.jpg


Re: Falling apart

You often write sage thoughts @PeppiPatty ..... ❣️

Re: Falling apart

@PeppiPatty your answer was great.
Just what i needed.
I know in myself i can do it.
Just somedays i feel like i can't

Re: Falling apart

Thankyou @PeppiPatty

I needed to hear that right now, gives me hope...

Even gp wondered yesterday why I was hanging on so tight, caused me to doubt myself so your message came at the right time. 

Self care is the key, I have not done real self care for too long, 

Re: Falling apart

Thinking of you today @dands26, trust it all goes ok