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Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

@NikNik Well, looking at the Burnout post, I would say that I am somewhere between stage two and stage three burnout, if not fully in stage three.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

Correct me if I am wrong @NikNik...

compassion fatigue is a gradual lessening of compassion over time... 

whereas burn out is a result of constant stress that impacts upon you more suddenly


Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

What about when your Husband says "You need one of my meds to help you cope with me  " @NikNik

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

I found the forum before Christmas and was responding to many many posts and getting so overwhelmed over time I haven't been on as much I still read a lot but not respond

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

Compassion fatigue 

 Warning signs - cognition


  • Intrusive thoughts and/or images of consumers’ traumatic situations
  • Developing a worldview in terms of victims and perpetrators
  • Decreased sense of safety
  • Increased suspicion of others
  • Decreased trust in others
  • Diminished feelings of personal control and freedom
  • Feelings of therapeutic impotence/helplessness
  • Loss of hope
  • Guilt
  • Victim-blaming
  • Diminished sense of purpose, accomplishment, or enjoyment of work
  • Difficulties with attention and concentration
  • Increased forgetfulness


Warning signs – psychological / emotional warning signs


  • Increased anger and irritability
  • Lower frustration tolerance
  • Depression
  • Decreased ability to feel joy
  • Increased feelings of anxiety
  • Feelings of horror or dread
  • Inability to maintain balance between empathy and objectivity
  • Feeling unappreciated, alienated, and isolated
  • Emotional withdrawal from colleagues, friends, and family
  • Over-identification with person you’re supporting


Warning signs – Physical


  • Chronic fatigue
  • Increased somatic complaints (headache, stomach aches, back pain, etc.)
  • Increased muscle tension
  • Physiological arousal in the form of palpitations and hypervigilance


  • Warning signs – behavioural
  • Difficulty sleeping (insomnia or oversleeping)
  • Workaholism
  • Increase in addictive behaviors such as compulsive eating or substance abuse
  • Impairment in day-to-day functioning including missed or cancelled appointments
  • Increased isolation
  • Chronic lateness
  • Increased absenteeism from work

Compassion fatigue is different to burn out, but can have related warning signs. However, the main differences are compassion fatigue can happen quickly and is mostly focused on a person or one element of your life (ie: a nurse may still be able to show compassion and support for a family member or friend, but not patients or collegues). While it's quick to come, it can also be quick to go, especially when focusing on self-care.

While burn out is a slow burn (see what I did there?) It often is related to a number of things in your life building up and spilling over, so it's gradual. It often hits us harder and can be longer to recover from.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

Thanks @Zoe7 i Understand now

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

ah i thought they were same thing

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

Sounds like your husband might be using a bit of black humour there @Shaz51 !
He must be very aware and thankful for all the support you provide him.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

Close @Zoe7 see above in bold

Re: Topic Tuesday // Staying safe while supporting others // April 18, 7pm AEST

no worries @BlueBay - you're practicing self care during a self care topic tuesday!
Take care Bluebay - Looking forward to connecting with you again soon.