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Re: Topic Tuesday / 15 September / Debunking the myths of BPD

The treating team needs to be aware of this and communicate at a very transparent level. A person with BPD cannot split a cohesive transparent team. Treating teams are not perfect and have their own issues with ego and personality. Sometimes the person with BPD is treated with contempt and accused of any disharmony in the team. This is grossly unfair.

Re: Topic Tuesday / 15 September / Debunking the myths of BPD

Speaking of treatment - is medication the main treatment for people with BPD @BlueButterfly50 @Carolyn?

Re: Topic Tuesday / 15 September / Debunking the myths of BPD

So do you think the eating disorder and spending may be associated as a part of the BPD behaviours ?


Re: Topic Tuesday / 15 September / Debunking the myths of BPD

The Clinical Guidelines for people with BPD states that medication is not the first choice of treatment. There is no drug that is labelled for BPD, all medications are off label. Sometimes medication is needed for emotional regulation. Psychotherapy and the transformative relationship within the therapeutic dyad is the most important aspect. Finding the right therapist who can contain high emotion without getting dysregulated her/himself is teh best person for the job. the fit of therapist/client is more important than the therapy mode and that includes DBT. DBT is great but not the be all and end all of treatment. There is Schema Therapy, Mentalisation based therapy and transference focussed therapy or just supportive psychotherapy. The main focus is on trust, rapport, safety, stability and containment. DBT has a good success rate for people who COMPLETE the entire 12 month therapy. Only 10% of clients go from initial assessment to completion.

Re: Topic Tuesday / 15 September / Debunking the myths of BPD

I wouldn't say that medication is the "main" treatment for people with BPD. It's a combination of medication, therapy and support.

Re: Topic Tuesday **Happening Now ** Debunking the myths of BPD

My daughter is 16 and clearly BPD but psychiatrists are reluctant to put that label on her condition. Does it matter? Are there real disadvantages to being diagnosed with a BPD? Does non diagnosis delay effective treatment ?

Re: Topic Tuesday **Happening Now ** Debunking the myths of BPD


Re: Topic Tuesday / 15 September / Debunking the myths of BPD

Under the diagnostic criteria for impulsivity.

Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving,

Eating disorder and spending are part of lack of impulse control. Eating and spending in huge amounts is how people regulate their high toxic emotions. Other methods such as mindfulness and non harmful distractions, reading a book, riding a bike, exercising, gardening etc are better for you. It gives more a sense of purpose and does not damage any part of you or your finances.

Re: Topic Tuesday **Happening Now ** Debunking the myths of BPD

I'm interested in the question about combination diagnosis of bipolar & BPD - if bipolar is physiological/genetic and BPD a combination of environment and/or childhood 'nuture' - the nuture va nature conundrum.Are there definitive answers from clinicians and researchers as to whether the two can exist together?

Re: Topic Tuesday / 15 September / Debunking the myths of BPD

Gee thats not many 10%.. my family member who has BPD went to an ongoing group therapy for DBT, but felt that it was pulling her down , as she didnt want to be pulled back into the negative  loop that some members were experiencing,,when she felt that she was moving forward..  what a shame ! i wonder if it's more productive doing one on one sessions??