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New Forums Feature: Notifications!

Hi everyone,

We’re excited to announce a new feature on the Forums. Notifications!

If you’re logged in, you’ll notice a little bell by your username (or in the top-left corner for mobile web users).

Whenever someone @mentions you, likes one of your posts or responds to a discussion you’re subscribed to, you’ll see a number next to the bell.

Pasted image at 2017_03_03 02_00 PM.png

(This is what it looks like on a desktop - it differs slightly on the mobile version)

This number tells you how many notifications you have. Tap or click the bell to see a list of your notifications. Tap the name of the discussion and you’ll go straight to the post.

You can unsubscribe from discussions from your profile on the desktop or tablet versions of the site.

Notifications help you quickly return to discussions you’ve posted to and stay up-to-date with conversations that interest you.

If you have any questions or difficulties getting notifications working for you, post below and we’ll assist.