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Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Hi there - this is Dec - the font of  trivial infomation


Yesterday I was asked if I would like to start my own thread - on this sort of info I guess - so two or three things


This is light-hearted - but you can be serious about being light-hearted


I hope this is the right place for this kind of post - I think it is because we are enjoying time with others


And - anyone feel free to jump in - please jump in!!!! This is to find all sorts fo trivial info - and laugh - hopefully - or cry if you want to.


I'll start with a couple or three of the things I think of in the middle of the night


1.  Seeing as the world is a sphere -

         who is it that decides that the Northern Hemiphere is always at the top?


2.  Why do nurses in hospital wake me up to ask how I am feeling, or am I dreaming? -

         please add your own experiences


3.   Did Dad's home cures really work - my brother and I did stop complaining

         but just because we stopped complaining - were we cured?


Let's see how these go. If they are okay - let's continue - I need your feedback here




Now I am hitting Post - hoping this is okay



Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Two likes - that is very encouraging

Thanks 🙂

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Hi @Decadian , found it! 


1.  Seeing as the world is a sphere -

         who is it that decides that the Northern Hemiphere is always at the top?

As the age of enlightment and the cartogrpahy of the world started at the top (Europeans) and they are the map makers it all got upside down. I am sure if Australian aboriginals had mapped theworld it would have looked MUCH different. My guess is if I were an Alien coming at the world from intersteallar space I'd aim for the biggest island! 🙂 The centre of the universe.... The great Southern land.

upside world.jpg


a favorite of mine to try to remind myself to look at the world anew.


Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

OMG @MoonGal, that is so funny with the turtle, perceptions are amazing aren't they?

Our world is what we make it or what we think it is.

Thank you so much @MoonGal & @Decadian, what a wonderful thread. Good work 🙂


Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

I love it - great start MoonGal.

It all depends on our perspective - and/or - who got there first - I can always turn my Atlas upside-down - but then - it looks as if it's written in Russian.

Now the turtle - I'll have to think about him - Superman can fly without wings - but then...but then.....


Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Hey MoonGal

The right world view took a little while to up load - now we have the right picture -

Jacques - the idea of this thread - partly - is to see the world - (ummm) from a different point of view.

It's working

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Yes @Decadian, @MoonGal


Why do nurses in hospital wake me up in the middle of the night  to give you a needle to help you sleep !!!!

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

OMG @Shaz51, not the chicken and the egg again!!!!!!!!!!!

Gosh i wish i had something to contribute, this thread is awesome 🙂

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Ha Ha My friend @Jacques, you will think of something , I know you will Smiley Wink