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Re: Not Coping

Tagged you in my post with the official OT association definition @Glisten 🙂🙌🏻

Re: Not Coping

@Former-Member my Mrs spent time working in OT office while studying, she doesn’t work in the field now she studied and works in another area of health

Re: Not Coping

not the health where she could fix my knee today though that would of been handy

Re: Not Coping

It's just lovely when you say hello to your roommates, and she just completely ignores me. 

Re: Not Coping

Ah that’s shit
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Re: Not Coping

Sounds nice your Mrs was there supporting us OT’s, and I hope she enjoys her chosen area of health @ArraDreaming 🙌🏻🙂

Re: Not Coping

@Former-Member  Thank you. I read what Google was telling me. But I don’t understand the application of Mental Health OT.

I didn’t sleep last night, my brain is struggling.

Today will be small amounts of information and concentration, frequent breaks, followed by a sauna.


Re: Not Coping

How do I know if my roommates don’t like me? They have been passive-aggressive and my friend even noticed the other day.

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Re: Not Coping

Hey there @Glisten 🙂🌺

sounds like an easy arvo would be nice? 🙂 

I’ll keep this really easy 🌺.. MH OT when I was working, helped reduce or remove - with all my skills/toolkit/resources possible - any barriers that got in the way of someone achieving what they needed to be as independent as they wanted to be.. for instance, budget help, caring for one’s health and home (or finding a home), finding work, finding friends/reconnecting with community, etc. 

I was once told my job was the jack of all trades of smoothing the way to moving forward with life. 
Hope that helps 💜🌺🙂

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Re: Not Coping

Sorry to hear that @Birdofparadise8 😔💜

I do think that if the accommodation is somehow in some way connected to the uni, it likely falls under their policies regarding rights and responsibilities of students, as well as codes of conduct and bullying..? 
Otherwise, if it’s a situation where it’s private rental, it falls under state and federal various Acts (discrimination, etc) as far as I was knowledge is a bit out of date though, and these concepts would need to be checked for currency.