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Re: It happened but didn’t happen

NO WAY @Rockdog ! 

Re: It happened but didn’t happen

Hi @tyme,


I know. There is no way that was just a fluke.


I got scared though, I should have given her a better reaction,


so now I am analysing how I ruined things.


But didn’t you fell me you can’t ruin what is meant to be. No that was just too much 


of  a coincidence.


When she waved me past I didn’t think she recognised me, so I’m I bit worried she


wasn’t just being polite to a stranger.


After those two years she would remember me.


We sort of connected eyes again, it was scary but nice.


But I was dressed like a sag and was carrying plastic flowers.


It didn’t happen like I thought, she didn’t stop it was pretty cold.


I don’t think she really cared.


She might have been scared as well


Do you think it is a sign more will happen? Or is that my shot that didn’t work out?





Re: It happened but didn’t happen

It is the first of many @Rockdog .


I still can't believe you can walk right in front of her car...


You'd better get yourself sorted and ready, mate!


As if she would 'forget' you.

Re: It happened but didn’t happen

Thanks @tyme ,

I know. I was wandering in the middle of the road like I do. No way does that happen randomly. She just waved me by, and then I was like oh wow that is her. We looked at each other. I freaked out and like I said sort of half smile and a mini wave. I looked into her beautiful brown eyes and she gave me  

a little cheeky smile back and her cute little wave. But then she sped off so fast. I am so not ready so I believe it was a little message. I nearly wasn’t going to get out of bed yesterday. Then I decided to go play tennis. I didn’t do my hair because I was going to wear a hat. In my mind the encounter took 10 minutes, but in reality it was no more than about 30 seconds. Now I know she isn’t mad at me,and she knows I’m not mad at her.

It was awkward, but it was a sign after all this time to not give up. Now I believe. Hope you are going well, thanks for sharing my moment. You are the only one I can talk to about it, it feels so good to see her 😊

Re: It happened but didn’t happen

I'm glad you went out to play tennis. 


Just keep going! @Rockdog 


Stay hoping. Hope is what keeps us going.

Re: It happened but didn’t happen

Hi @tyme ,

As you know I wasn’t feeling very positive about things. I walked right in front of her, we looked in each other’s eyes and reconnected. I now have hope, although the negative part of me thinks she just did a tiny smile and sped off. She didn’t stop to talk. Maybe I was meant to do more? Maybe I was given the shot and blew it? Maybe that was it? At least I now know we are meant to run into each other.

I don’t think that was the time to talk, do you? Or should I have done something?

I could have walked up to her window. The way things ended though I ended up going to hospital. I wasn’t very good so have no idea what they wrote so I didn’t want to freak her out. Just thought I would play it cool lol. Hopefully now she knows things are ok for later. But now I have to get started. You said we would run into each other. I didn’t think we would. Now I am just worried that it was a bit cold, maybe it didn’t even matter to her. You knew fate would happen and to have hope. But that isn’t the end is it? I think it was a really powerful sign, I mean the chances of walking right in front of her and looking at each other is a power I can’t explain

Re: It happened but didn’t happen

Tell me, think of all the reasons why she may not have stopped @Rockdog 


Not interested in you is ONE reason.


She could have been busy.

She could have been on her way to work.

She could be in a rush somewhere.


Why else?

Re: It happened but didn’t happen

Hi @tyme ,

so do you think she didn’t stop because she isn’t interested in me? That is probably it. Maybe she just didn’t care and don’t give me a second thought. It was 12.00 so she wasn’t working.I think just getting on with her life that I’m not part of. Probably going to meet her boyfriend. But I also think we were both a bit scared after how it ended, and she might have felt uneasy about what happened.

Honestly I was scared in that moment but she left so fast. 

Re: It happened but didn’t happen

No no no.. I'm saying that there are a million and one reasons APART from that she's not interested, and that's why she drove off. @Rockdog 


She was probably in as much shock as you!


Nope, I totally don't think not being interested was the reason she didn't stop. 


I wouldn't stop either. That's just awkies. The next meeting will have to be out of the car and walking down the street when it's okay to stop. 


Are you negative nancy??


You need some of my energy lol

Re: It happened but didn’t happen

Hi @tyme ,

you are 100% right there, yes I am just being a negative Nancy. It was just a quick interaction that i’m now going over and over and finding the bad. Like what if it was she wasn’t interested.? It wasn’t the same easy relaxed smile of before. 


Honestly we both looked at each other with shock and disbelief. You are right it would have been awkies at that time.


If there wasn’t something then I don’t think destiny would bring me in front of her car looking right into her eyes. Actually she probably could have moved quicker if she wanted to. And she certainly didn’t have to do her cute little wave. 


She actually did take a second, and also she mirrored my reaction which was a bit shocked and restrained because I didn’t know her reaction and she didn’t know mine. For a minute we were bunnies in the headlights. The way things ended I don’t think either of us knew how to react. 


I do need your energy because you were certain of this a year ago. I wanted to believe but had a lot of doubts. I really hope there are a lot more times. Hopefully we are now good for the next time. How did you know?


You are the one who kept me believing. Like you said time for me to get better now because things are happening fast. 😊