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Re: All over again

I mean, you still need an employer if you are to make a real career of it, so..... And what point is there in writing things that are already in your head?

Re: All over again

@Former-Member, I think you'd need an employer more often than not.  A lot of writers used to start with short stories and sell to magazines, but, that's probably changed with the internet.  These days people self publish and sell online.  It might be therapeutic to get it out.


Anyway, i'm not trying to tell you what to do, just trying to give you some ideas.  I'd encourge you to keep getting support here.  You have a powerful message and voice.

Re: All over again

@Former-Member wrote:

True, but that doesn't mean much when you can't be legally employed because you lack the required photo identification and other documentations that are required to be employed, at least in my state. 

Sorry I missed that post somehow.  That sounds horrible.  I thought all you needed was a tax file number.  

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Re: All over again

Well I don't even have that, but no, in my state you most definitely need photo ID in addition to the standard resume and cover letter at minimum. 

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Re: All over again

It is horrible, I mean, I can't even prove I am an adult and in some cases can't even prove who I am at all. That's why I was physically assaulted by police a few years ago and why my quality of life may as well be non-existent. 

Re: All over again

Hopefully some other people or @moderators might have some knowledge on this.  The only thing I can think of would be to lobby your local member of parliment or government to assist you in the process.  You have every right to an identity.  Maybe you can look for an advocate to help you with this process if you don't feel confident in doing it.


A letter to your newspaper might force them to act on your behalf.  You should be able to stay anonymous, but, have them apply pressure to the departments that are doing this to you.  This wouldn't be an easy or fast process to undertake.


I'm very saddened to hear of your assault by police, they are meant to protect and uphold the law.  

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Re: All over again

@Gazza75 wrote:

Hopefully some other people or @moderators might have some knowledge on this.  The only thing I can think of would be to lobby your local member of parliment or government to assist you in the process.  You have every right to an identity.  Maybe you can look for an advocate to help you with this process if you don't feel confident in doing it.


A letter to your newspaper might force them to act on your behalf.  You should be able to stay anonymous, but, have them apply pressure to the departments that are doing this to you.  This wouldn't be an easy or fast process to undertake.


I'm very saddened to hear of your assault by police, they are meant to protect and uphold the law.  

Uphold the law, you see the problem lies right there. Doesn't matter if the law is ridiculously unjust. They enforce it with absolute power. I have no interest in screwing around with the government or parliament. I wrote a formal letter to the local office after it happened and all I got was laughed at and told it was my own fault and that such is to be expected when you're the kind of person I am. 


I have no respect for the government whatsoever. Never have, why would I when they royally destroyed my life and allowed all of my abusers to get off with a slap on the wrist whilst I was locked away and punished? The corruption I have seen is beyond words, yet alone how it has impacted me. 


I know of many trans people who have written to the newspaper, even the state attorney general, its been going on for years and nothing happens besides getting shoved away because its not important to them. 

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Re: All over again

Hey @Former-Member,

I am a moderator here at SANE, I just wanted to chime in and thank you for sharing your incrediblly important story. It sounds as though you have suffered many hardhsips in your time. Given your experience it completely makes sense that you have distrust for MH services and the goverment as a whole. 


In terms of specific services that can assist with your photo identification issue, i am unsure of any myself, however there is a great  service called Q-life that may know more. I am unsure if you have heard of this service ? If not i really encourage you to give them a call. They may be able to let you know about any advocacy services that can assist you with this. Please find their information below: 


Q Life
Phone Support 1800 184 527 (3.00pm – midnight every day)
Online chat (3.00pm – midnight every day)


I really am glad to see you engaging in the forums, and hope you continue to tell your story on here and make some meaningful connections. 


Wishing you the absolute best, 


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Re: All over again

I've spoken to QLife many times, and a few advocacy services. That's the downside of advocacy work. They can only do so much, with an issue like this that doesn't equate to much. At the end of the day only the government or the courts can change the law. Someone like me is insignificant other than being a burden.  

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Re: All over again

@Former-Member I hear your frustrations with the system. I am sorry you feel as though you are seen as insignficant and as if you are a burden. Your contribution is meaningful and valued here on the forums. We are here to sit with you through your pain. I wonder with all this going on, how do you take care of yourself ? What do you do for yourself that brings you joy?