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More good news

Hi things continue to move forward in my life. My divorce has gone through on Tuesday so ending a long abusive marriage finally,  my doctor has increased my medication to help me cope but on a positive note as l have been in a relationship with a lovely kind,  caring lady we have decided to move into to a home together in regional Victoria my home town of Ballarat and we were successful in obtaining a rental property and am planning on moving in the next 2 weeks so l am hoping this next chapter in my life will be positive. 


Re: More good news

Hello @john74,


Congratulations on all the positive things you have going on right now.


Don't forget to let us know how you go, wishing you all the best and good luck with the move!



Take care,



Re: More good news



Great to hear things are going well for you. Sound's like you're in a much better place now.

Re: More good news

@john74  Great to hear. Hope everything will be fine. Good luck for the new beginning.