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Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

And @Former-Member if we don't achieve our goals we just get support from each other and try again tomorrow. It's ok I think. I'm on the verge of not getting my one goal on the first day of doing this. Just feeling *^#^**^#* that things haven't gone as planned today but I'm hoping I can tomorrow. So yeah lots of tiny goals/steps. My main goal is just to get out of bed again because I'd fallen back into that a lot again. Think of we struggle with the day we can vent on other threads too. That's my plan today. Please dont put pressure on yourself fo it. It's really just a personal motivator at what ever level we're at. Hugs to you 💜🤗

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@Former-Member, did you 'clean bedding' ? Sounds like you were quite busy anyway.

@oceangirl, well done with healthy eating, gym & getting your BP down. I have been eating much healthier too and lost 5kg so maybe my Dr will be pleased too.

@Gilgamesh, my goodness, I'm lost for words, you're right up the top their with physical activity and health goals. Wow! Me thinks i'm gonna learn a lot watching your progress. But do pace yourself, you're pretty good already. Keep this up and you'll be out there with the likes of @Faith-and-Hope WH, balance is the key. Glad you're here. Are you happy with today's achievements?

As for me, well, I've been busy resting. but currently 1/2 way working on emptying the car now its cooler (big heavy recliner my bro2 gave me). Not done too much, not feeling too good, so maybe do more tomorrow.
Thanks guys xox

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in


@Former-Member  You're on your way. Well done. Please get someone to help with the chair. Nope not done mine yet. Not given up yet on it but we'll see 💜🤗

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@Former-Member I never do anything by halves. Cat Very Happy

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@Former-Member great idea!

I'm checking in - had a really difficult day, glad it's over. Worried of nightmares tonight.

Tomorrow I would like to go for a short walk before work, just a little bit of me time.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@Gilgamesh .... please be careful .... over-exercising in a strict regime is part of what tipped my hubby into his current version of eating disorder ..... and it has taken over his life, and ours to a large degree ....

Health professionals have told me its unsustainable and is undoing his health in ways he is unaware of .... his regime still appears successful on the surface.

Can you work with your gp to help keep your balance with it ?  Also please, please take one day a week as a rest day .... it is so important for balance and physical recovery, and to help prevent an e.d. setting in.

Also, please watch that you have a varied diet across the week .... having to eat exactly the same things every day, at exactly the same times, in exactly the same measure, is another warning sign ....

"All or nothing" leaves you vulnerable to an e.d., but your GP or a dietician ought to be able to help you work out a healthy program that you can run with .... and keep an eye on you for signs that you're over-doing it.

All the best ....




Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Hi @Former-Member 💕
Found this thread while looking around.
Thankyou for including me. 😊😙

Today my goal was to go to a new ladies support group. That was hard, because it's not near home and it gets very busy in traffic up there.
But I determined inside of me that I had to go, because I'm "stuck" in a place where I need to move on. I don't know how to get rid of suppressed anger. I don't how to live and have fun and be happy. I'm so up and down and am exhausted every day.

Anyway, I made it there and it's a 10 week course to help us over come the things I mentioned, plus many more.
I made a private counselling session with her as well.
She starts with our inner child, sometimes starting at sge 18 months.
Something is usually said or done that hurt so that we put on a mask.

Anyway. Have taken a sleep med and they work really quick. 😩😴😂 I'll have to go soon.

Not sure if I can join on here often.
I find it difficult keeping up with too many threads, thanks thought, that you thought of me. xi 💜

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

So pleased for you @Former-Member .... ❤️💕

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Hi @Former-Member, that's a great step, and achievable in terms of bring a 'short course' x10wks, and so relative to your circumstances. Wish I had access to something like this. Maybe you can post your WEEKLY GOALS, instead of every day, just so we know where ya at and can encourage one another to press on.
You're probably asleep now but glad ya here, was hoping you'd contribute. nighty night xox

Hiya @Faith-and-Hope, good one! 🙂

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

That's a huge achievement @Former-Member. Please don't feel obliged to be here. Only if it helps. Even if you just would like some validation for a goal achieved from time to time. Good luck with it all 💜🤗💐